Managing people at work

Managing people at work

  • Develop an understanding of the case study by researching and addressing the scenario specifications provided below.
  •  Design your video slides using PowerPoint as your main source of visual aid.
  • make sure the layout / structure is presentable and follows that of the provided exemplar.

You have been hired as a new member on the human resource team by the company of case in point. Your role is to deliver the findings from your research.
Identify the major stakeholders in the case provided, and then compare and contrast their likely views of the existing performance appraisal program.
• Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the present program.

• Content for the online video presentation will be drawn from the relevant theories and aspects that are assigned from the topics covered in Week 1 and Week 2
• Research for the online video presentation will need to encompass the use of textbook sources, peer reviewed articles, business databases and relevant media sources.
• When researching the case and compiling your online video presentation (Part A), you will need to :

based on research, finally you need to revamp the company’s performance appraisal program. What changes would you make? Why (justify and substantiate with evidence)?
• Students are required to act as an HR team and therefore the issues you identify should be based on elements you have identified from the research. The recommendations should not be based on what the company is already doing, but rather what you, as the HR team, think the company can do to better.


You should use the following structure when preparing the presentation slides for this assessment:
• Title slide — Include name and Student ID of all group members
• Topic — review the case, identify the issue and review relevant theories (use Week 1 and Week 2 resource materials and any other scholarly sources)
• Discussion of the issue — analyse and examine the issue and related stakeholders then synthesise these with the topic and relevant theories.
• Recommendations — identify what you recommend for the company to revamp its performance appraisal program? Give justification for recommended changes from your area of research.

• References — include all sources used for the presentation through in-text citation and full references

please go thought the following links and videos

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