Marketing Principles 4PS of Marketing

Marketing Principles 4PS of Marketing

Demonstrate that you understand the theoretical concepts introduced in the text and can apply them to a real-life situation presented in the case. Please pay particular attention to the use of professional terminology.

Compose an introduction that identifies the key market issues in the case.
Describe the execution of the new product development process at GoPro.
Answer ALL the questions at the end of the case. Your answers must be thorough.
Provide a conclusion that summarizes how GoPro’s product development strategy resolved the market issues.

Questions at the end of the case study:
1. What are the points of difference, or unique attributes, for GoPro products?
2. What are GoPro’s primary target markets? How does content marketing influence these markets?
3. Describe the new-product development process used at GoPro. What are the similarities and differences to the processes described in figure 10-3 (in attachments)
4. Which of the eight reasons for new-product failure did GoPro avoid to ensure the success of its products?
5. Identify one new-product idea you would suggest that GoPro evaluate.

**You can explore the product line at

This case study is located on pages 296-298 of the Kerin, et al. text
Book Source: for pages attached.
Product: Marketing Edition: 16th
Author:Roger Kerin,Steven Hartley

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