Module 1 – Case Health Promotion The role of Theory and the Ecological Perspective


Title: Module 1 – Case Health Promotion: The role of Theory and the Ecological Perspective


Date: August 16, 2013

Did the study find that walkability of the neighborhood affected obesity in all areas and populations?

The aim of the study was to examine if there is a relationship between walking areas in the neighborhood and the body mass index in lower body. If the environment where one lives and its association with obesity and general overweight.

No, the study found that there were some significant factors which affected the thesis. Normally, it is expected that a person living in a walkable area is less likely to be obese or overweight due to the regular walking. However, several factors prove this wrong; the advantaged populations proved this right, with more walking they had a good BMI. Advantaged groups refer to people with higher education and income and are considered more stable. In disadvantaged groups the walking factor did not eliminate obesity. There are factors which seemed to cause obesity such as food environment.

Which populations benefited from walkable neighborhood?

Advantaged members of the society benefited from a walkable neighborhood than less advantaged groups. The study proved a common idea wrong, that when you walk more you are less likely to be obese. Members of the disadvantaged populations walked more, however their BMI was higher.

Why did the study give these results?

There are other factors that affect the BMI of a person other than regular exercise. In the study, a walkable environment was the mode of exercise being used. Other factors that may lead a person to being obese include diet, stress levels and education level. When a person is well educated, they will lead a healthier lifestyle and will know how to deal with stress unlike uneducated people.

Personal approach to reducing obesity in less advantaged populations

The study is an important reference that I would use in raising awareness of lifestyles and obesity. Personally, I would put up campaigns among less advantaged populations and in their neighborhoods. First is to ensure that they are aware that they should lead a healthy lifestyle, convince them to opt for healthier foods rather than fast foods. Healthy eating is the first step towards fighting obesity, drinking lots of water and eating fruits.

Secondly, ensure that members of this population are well informed on ways of fighting stress. Stress is also a factor that leads to obesity. Fighting stress through regular exercise will help in fighting obesity. Take time to have happy thoughts and dedicating time in your daily schedule to relax.

With these two strategies in place, their walking exercise will result to a guaranteed weight loss and help them avoid being overweight.

What would I try to find out?

First, find out which food they prefer, fast foods or healthy foods. How regular do they consume fast foods? What makes them prefer fast foods to healthy foods? Does the cost of fast foods make them prefer them to healthy foods?

What I would do to change that?

I would ensure that they are well informed on the advantages of leaving a healthy lifestyle eating healthy foods and the disadvantages of fast foods. This is the only way that I would make them change their perception towards fast foods and help them embrace healthy eating.

Would I still consider their environment in the intervention?

No, having given them good information on the advantages of healthy eating and disadvantages of fast foods I would not consider changing their environment. Change of food environment is the only change that is required to fight obesity. A person may change their geographical location to a new environment but still consume fast foods and lead an unhealthy life.

These populations will have the knowledge to make the right choices and well informed decisions regarding their lifestyles. There may be a great concern by critics of my strategy in this intervention. One point from critics that I expect is, if they continue to live in the same environment wont they be tempted to continue leading an unhealthy lifestyle? No they won’t, taking them to a different environment does not eliminate temptation rather they should be left to make healthy decisions for themselves.

The ecological perspective of this intervention

Ensure that the intervention is an outreach to create awareness to the entire community in that environment. When everybody is enlightened in the same way and makes a personal decision to lead a healthy lifestyle and make the right health choices, then the environment will be empowered. Rather than choosing a target group in the population to educate about healthy living and eating, educate the entire population.

In Conclusion

Knowledge is power. When people are well informed they make the right choices and live healthier lifestyles than when they are not. All communities should be well informed, plan regular campaigns to create awareness and emphasize on healthy eating. We can fight obesity by providing the right information.


Gina S Lovasi,  Kathryn M Neckerman,  James W Quinn,  Christopher C Weiss,  Andrew Rundle. (2009). Effect of Individual or Neighborhood Disadvantage on the Association Between Neighborhood Walkability and Body Mass Index. American Journal of Public Health, 99(2), 279-84. 

Pearce, J., & Witten, K. (2010).Geographies of obesity: environmental understandings of the obesity epidemic. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.

Hinton, P. O., Keenan, W. C., & MacLennan, T. G. (1976). The social factors of obesity in the low income population. London: MacPhee.

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