Module 3 Key Terms-3

Module 3

Module 3 Key Terms-3

Exam 3 Review/Word BankConsequentialismDeontologyUtilitarianismEgalitarianismKnow the factors in the Utility CalculusHedonismKnow these as Kant understands them:WillGood WillAutonomyHeteronomyCategorical ImperativeMaximIntrinsic Good

Extrinsic GoodFreedom

Bentham and Mill

Read chapter 2 of this (Links to an external site.) text and chapter 1 of this  (Links to an external site.)one.

Here’s a cool video on the Trolley Problem.

LinkDownload Utilitarianism1-audio-1.pptxBentham 2

Read chapter 4 of this (Links to an external site.) text from Bentham.

You might also want to look at section 4 (Links to an external site.) from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s article on Bentham.

Download Hedonistic Calculus(2)-audio-1.pptxMill 2

Read chapter 4 of this (Links to an external site.) text by Mill.

Download Mill-audio.pptxDownload KantGrounding1-1.pdfDownload KantPowerPoint1-audio-1.pptxKant Companion Videos

I have broken Kant into two separate assignments. You might want to watch these videos to help you further understand Kant.

Link (Links to an external site.)The Good Will | Immanuel Kant, Groundwork for Metaphysics of Morals 1 | Philosophy Core Concepts (Links to an external site.)

Download KantPowerPoint2-audio-1.pptxDownload KantPowerPoint3-audio-1.pptx

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