Neurophysiology Assignment

Neurophysiology Assignment. Grading Rubric

Name                                                                                       Total                  

Formatting (10 pts)

Typed and double-spaced with no split columns? (10 pts)

Introduction (25 pts)

Provides appropriate and concise background information on disease with specific relation to Nervous system [brain region(s) affected, neurotransmitter system alteration etc] (17 Pts)

Included appropriate references? (4 pts)

Comprehensible and grammatically correct? (4 pts)

Neurophysiological Evidence of Pathogenesis (25 pts)

Included neurophysiological evidence(s) relating to the pathogenesis (15 pts)

Relevant references included (5 pts)

Comprehensible and grammatically correct? (5 pts)

Reference to Hille Chapter (15 pts)

Provided relevant reference to the Hille chapter(s) (discussed at least 3 chapters’ material). (12 pts)

Comprehensible and grammatically correct? (3 pts)

Treatment strategy (15 pts)

Mentioned at least 2 agonist or antagonist and related it to neurophysiology (action potential and current-voltage graphs). (12 pt)

Are all cited references listed and all references listed used in the paper? (3 pt)

References (10 pts)

Is the minimal number of references (8 ) listed? (2 pt)

Are all cited references listed and all references listed used in the paper? (3 pt)

Is all relevant information (authors, date, journal, volume, page numbers) listed? (3 pt)

Correct in-text citation and consistent formatting? (2 pt)




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