Occupational Safety And Health In Human Resources Management

Occupational Safety And Health In Human Resources Management

There is a need to ensure that workplaces as well as the workers are safe and healthy. This means that the welfare, safety and health of the workers, is well taken care off. Harm may occur from certain plants, substances, which are present at the work place. They ought to be minimized or eliminated to reduce the risk the workers are subjected to. Also, it seeks to ensure that there is cooperation, consultation and representation for the workers. It is needs to be effective and fair, which in turn ensures that elements of safety and health are present. The workers are provided with relevant information, advice, training, and education, in regards to safety and health. When workers comply with the safety and health guidelines, it becomes easy to enforce measures as well as compliance (New South Wales, 2011). The people in charge of performing and exercising powers should ensure that the actions are reviewed and scrutinized. This will ensure that the work place strives to ensure that there is improvement in safety and health from the workers. Lastly it ensures that harmony at the work place is strengthened and maintained through the existing laws.

The workers must ensure that their mental and physical health is well taken care. This is in accordance to the workers duties. They should make sure that their safety and health is cared for in a reasonable manner. Fellow workers should not be affected by omission because reasonable care was not practiced. The worker must comply with the rules established by management. This is applicable to everyone who is involved in the business conduct, as well as the undertaking. Every worker must ensure that they comply with the safety and health act. The worker should ensure that they follow the procedures and rules established. All the workers should be notified about the different aspects of the act (New South Wales, 2011).

It is the duty of several people working within the organization to ensure that the laws are being implemented. Those in management should ensure that there is a person, who has the duty of checking up on matters related to safety and health. Safety and health risks should be eliminated in a practible and reasonable manner (Ridley, 2008). If the latter is not possible, a suitable method has to be found to reduce the risks. Essential factors have to be taken into consideration at a certain time and should also be reasonable. This should be for the purpose of ensuring safety and health.

It is expected that the workers exhibit due diligence, when they are at the work place. This is because it is their duty to follow the rules, which have been established. If they do not comply, they risk being fined. This is because they have violated the rules of the business undertaking. The workers are provided with relevant information regarding to safety and health. Thus, they should not engage in any activities, which might affect their lives. The behaviors of the employees play a great role in inducing the risks they face (Ridley, 2008). Certain behaviors, such as drinking and smoking while at the job, are not allowed. Those who come to work drunk or drink while working are not in the right mind, and may not be aware of their action. They are bound to cause injury to others and themselves. Those who smoke while at the job are bound to cause a fire related accident and the results are detrimental. Thus, workers should be aware of the behaviors, which threaten their health as well as safety. Also, workers who have been injured or are suffering from bad health, should keep away from behaviors, such as drinking and smoking. These have adverse effects on people’s health, especially sick or injured people.

The work environment should be conducive for the workers, so that it ensures that they are not interrupted. The risk of being injured or suffering from an illness should be reduced or prevented. This occurs through making sure that the structures and the plant are safe. Safe systems should exist and should be checked upon regularly, to ensure that they are maintained and serve their purpose. Workers should ensure that they store, handle and use the substances, structures and plants, in the most effective manner. The management should provide facilities needed by the workers (New South Wales, 2011). This will assist in making sure that the welfare of the employees is being taken care off. The workers should have access to the facilities and should not be discriminated against. As part of undertaking of the business, the workers are to be provided with instructions, training, supervision and training, regarding the safety and health risks. Regular monitoring of the working conditions as well as the employees should occur. This is meant to ensure that injury and illness are prevented. The issues mentioned before might arise if undertaking and business conducted is not done in a proper manner. In cases whereby, the worker is being provided with accommodation, the management should also provide a good environment.

Work Cited

New South Wales. (2011). Work Health and Safety Bill 2011.

Ridley, John. (2008). Safety at Work 7th edition. New York: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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