Pillars of white supremacy

Pillars of white supremacy

Please submit your essay via a Microsoft Word Document or PDF. Only use sources from the class that are in Modules 5-8. Outside sources will result in an automatic Zero score. This is a 1000 word essay you are to have a minimum of 6 citations from 4 different sources. The documentaries are key to addressing this prompt – especially the “Black Panther Party: Vanguard of the Revolution” and “We Shall Remain: Wounded Knee”, but the prior course materials (earlier period documentaries/readings) provide historical context to both.

According to Andrea Smith two of the three pillars of white supremacy are as follows: “1) slaveability/anti-black racism, which anchors capitalism; (and) 2) genocide, which anchors colonialism…” – consider these pillars in addressing the prompt below.

Native American scholar Vine Deloria, Jr. (Standing Rock Sioux) stated “Black Power…was a Godsend…It allowed the concept of self-determination suddenly to become valid”. Yet, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover declared that the Black Panther Party was the biggest threat to national security.

Given the the pillars of white supremacy mentioned, connect the historical legacies of slavery and land dispossession, to the development of Black Power and Red Power and address how each fundamentally threatened the settler colonial state and posed a threat to national security/white supremacy, while simultaneously empowering American Indian and Black Communities.

Here are two more available sources:


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