Politics and the political system personal political ideology

Politics and the political system personal political ideology

In this paper you will identify and reflect on your personal political ideology, paying attention to the following questions/prompts:

  • What are the main political ideologies as outlined in the text? Where does your political ideology fall on that continuum? Remember that ideology and party identification are not the same thing, and in this paper, you should be focused on ideology
  • What has influenced the development and growth of your political ideology?
  • Identify three major issues in politics, and discuss how your views on these issues are consistent or inconsistent with your ideology.
  • Is our political system aided or hurt by viewing politics through an ideological lens? Make sure to explain your answer with references to course material.

Given the expectations outlined above, I expect this paper to be approximately four pages long (not including cover or reference pages). This paper is worth 15 points, awarded via the attached rubric.

Introduction (2 points):

  • 2 points: Excellent introduction to the paper, clearly introducing your ideology as you begin the paper.
  • 1 point: Average introduction to the paper, somewhat introducing your ideology as you begin the paper.
  • 0 points: No clear introduction to the paper, without a reference to your political ideology.

Argument/analysis (10 points):

  • 8-10 points: The paper clearly answers the questions in the paper prompt. The paper consistently conveys a serious grasp of the subject matter with respect to the content of the course.
  • 5-7 points: The paper answers most of the questions in the paper prompt. The paper conveys a grasp of the subject matter with respect to the content of the course.
  • 0-4 points: The paper does not really answer the questions in the paper prompt. The paper does not really convey a grasp of the subject matter with respect to the content of the course.

Mechanics (3 points):

  • 3 points: Very few grammatical/technical errors. Writing is well-organized and presented effectively (with a solid introduction, body, and conclusion), addressing each of the questions. References are cited throughout as needed (through parenthetical citations or footnotes) and compiled at the end of the paper.
  • 2 points: Several grammatical/technical errors. Writing is generally organized and presented somewhat effectively (with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion), addressing most of the questions. References, if needed, are sometimes cited (through parenthetical citations or footnotes) and compiled at the end of the paper.
  • 0-1 points: Many grammatical/technical errors. Writing is poorly organized and presentation is choppy (with an unclear introduction, body, and/or conclusion), with little reference to the questions. No references, if needed.
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