Project Management A+ Essay Writer

Project Management A+ Essay Writer


Your organization needs a 100,000 sq ft warehouse constructed on the adjacent company owned property

Projects (2)

There will be one project for the term with two deliverables. They will be due at the end of Week 3, and Week 10 (Final Project).

Details for the projects and deliverables will be shared during the Week 1 announcement and recording

Project Phase 1 (Week 3)—10% of Grade

  • Building a warehouse for material storage see slide from week 2
  • Deliverables

o Charter Document

o ID Stakeholders


Project Phase 2 (Week 10)—70% of grade

  • Deliverables

o Scope mgt. Plan– Word— Tell me how the warehouse is going to operate, info I am looking for. Number of dock door for inbound and outbound shipments.  How will product be stored? How will product be moved? What type of technology? Where located and why?  Own trucks? How many shifts and employees?

▪ Answer the 5 questions at the top of P175

o Requirements plan— This will be satisfied with a good Scope plan!

▪ Assumption Log

▪ Stakeholder Register

o Schedule mgt plan—Excel Tab for each below- A Gantt Chart covers all four activities below  (Excel has templates available)

▪ Define activities

▪ Sequence Activities

▪ Estimate Duration

▪ Develop Schedule

▪ Estimated Budget- Excel Tab -Excel would be looking for 20-25 items some detail

o Quality Plan– Word– 2-3 paragraphs describing quality plan (chapter 8)

o Resource Plan—Word 2-3 paragraphs with RACI Chart P.351—use define activities to get started

o Communication plan—Word 1-2 paragraphs

o Risk Plan – Word doc. -)– Need a narrative for each section on how the risks will be managed and mitigated (at least 4 paragraphs) One paragraph or organization, one paragraph for external, and so on.

o Id Risks and Categorize risks– Matrix P.427

o Provide a SWOT analysis for project –table

o Procurement– what type of contract and why? 1 paragraph

Outline of Project

Build 100,000 sq.ft warehouse for your company (team decides
commodity and name of company)

No special storage conditions apply (Does not need to be temp controlled)
Storing FG, materials,
Team decides the following
Name or organization
Annual revenue
Where located
Business conditions that are driving this project
What is the warehouse going to be used for? Storing, cross-docking?
What product are you storing?

Project Charter needs to have the following

Requirements for satisfaction needs, wants, and expectations from stakeholders: These spells out WHY do we need this.  You are pitching this to the CEO (me, your instructor). I would expect 3-4 Paragraphs

Business needs a description of the project from a high view
Success Criteria and who buys off at end— One sentences-word

Simple statement stating that “The customer has a fully functioning and operationally complete facility that meets all local building codes:

Summary of milestone schedule—5-7 (start clearing land, pour foundation, etc).

Key Stakeholders– I would include in table format names and titles

Constraints – $ – Time-Resources (resources are people and equipment)—List at least 5

Assumptions- at least 10

High level risks—at least 5

Summary Budget – Land, building, equipment, misc. (Table format in Word, best)

ID Stakeholders– Word Document
List of stakeholders
Power influence Grid

Project Charter

Requirements for satisfaction needs, wants, and expectations from stakeholders.

For this project we as a team have decided to create a warehouse for our company ABC College Merchandise to store our Pacific Northwest collegiate gear. Merchandise housed within the warehouse will include apparel from various colleges such as Portland State, University of Oregon, Oregon State and a number of other schools in the Northwest. Products include apparel, shoes and other fan gear. Below we have outlined the plan of action for the overall project.


The need for a warehouse like this is immeasurable. In 2020, ABC College Merchandise’s total revenue was $30M. The use of our warehouse would increase revenue by at least 10% in the first five years, aiming to exceed previous yearly revenues. Many schools sell merchandise throughout their campuses, and there is no centralized location for all of the merchandise to be stored. A centralized warehouse in Hillsboro, Oregon would give us an opportunity to reach all customers. Not just those who attend, but parents, faculty and overall college fans. Also taking into consideration that having our warehouse in this location, we will save money when it comes to modes of transportation.


To emphasize, we want this warehouse to help increase our revenue tremendously and we need it to be in a centralized location like Hillsboro to give us the best chance of getting our product to various markets.


This project will allow for ABC College Merchandise to have a centralized location for all of their college and university merchandise. Building a new warehouse on a 16 acre lot, would give us growth opportunities as a company because we can store more product. Although the proposed budget for the land is over a million dollars, we expect our revenue to increase by at least 3 million in the first 5 years. Overall, the expectations for this project is to make the purchasing process easier for all customers involved by getting them their product quicker. As well as increasing our overall profits.



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