Psychology Paper Assignment

Psychology Paper Assignment

Write a Paper that addresses the following claim: “It is better to express anger or get a cathartic release than it is to hold it in”
• Address the claim by finding two empirical research articles that scientifically test some aspect of the chosen claim and use that evidence to evaluate the claim’s support (or lack thereof).
• The outline of the paper should be as follows:
o Include an APA-formatted title page.
o Introduce the topic and explain the purpose of the paper
o Identify which claim you are investigating.
o Explain why the topic is important and interesting.
o Summarize the two empirical research articles that you read.
o Briefly (no more than a few sentences) describe how you located your sources.
 Note for selecting your articles: BE SURE THAT YOU SELECT EMPIRICAL STUDY ARTICLES FROM SCHOLARLY JOURNALS. Empirical study articles present research conducted by the authors (i.e. not literature reviews or editorials). To ensure that you’re selecting empirical study articles, check the abstract for references to participants, procedure, and results. If the abstract does not clearly indicate that this article is empirical search, you can check the text of the article for a “Methods” section. Your instructor will explain how to find empirical articles in scholarly journals.
o Describe what the researchers did in their study.
o State who was in the study (participants).
 Include the number of men, women, ages, ethnicities, etc.
 State how the participants were asked to be in the study (recruited)
o State what the participants were asked to do.
 In addition to naming the questionnaires or tasks, also explain what the questionnaires are measuring and what the tasks are. Describe them well enough so that the reader has an idea of what kinds of questions the participants answered or what kinds of tasks they completed.
o In what ways were the results consistent with the hypotheses/predictions? Any surprising findings? Do not worry about trying to understand the statistics; the author will explain the statistics in the “Discussion” section of the article.
o What did you perceive as being the strengths of these studies? What were their limitations?
• In addressing the Claim:
o Draw a conclusion about your claim. Does the claim seem accurate or inaccurate?
o Be sure to support your answer.
o When were your articles published? Would you expect the findings to still hold true? Why?
 Which groups of people do these articles help you better understand? Do these articles help you understand all people, or only certain subgroups (i.e. are there populations for whom you think you’d find different results than those found in the articles – generations, nationalities, race, etc.?). You’re NOT being ask who would be interested in this research, but to whom the findings apply.
• Use the following references:
o Bushman, B. (2002). Does venting anger feed or extinguish the flame? Catharsis, rumination, distraction, anger, and aggressive responding. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 28(6), 724–731.
o Bjornsdottir, R., & Rule, N. (2020). Negative emotion and perceived social class.. Emotion, 20(6), 1031.

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