Reflection Essay Assignment


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Reflection Essay Assignment

`The primary theme in Chapter 11 of the textbook ‘Counseling the Culturally Diverse Theory and Practice-8th edition revolves around racial, ethnic, and cultural identity for people of color. The textbook also incorporates sub-themes that form the subject of discussion.

Racial awakening

Racial awakening is one of the sub-themes that the authors tackle in this textbook. In my viewpoint, racial awakening refers to the heightened awareness that black people possess. Racial awakening is spurred by personal experiences and the education of people of color.

Racial identity has to do with how people of color perceive and make sense of themselves. As far as racial, ethnic and cultural identity goes, people of color have for a long time struggled with acceptance, but they have always faced the issues head-on by pushing for equal rights for all people. The main question in regard to this chapter has to do with the struggles that people of color go through in their journey of acceptance from other people where the racial identity is concerned.

The thematic element that makes the most sense was racial awakening. I believe people of color have come a long way in their journey to acceptance and equality. Worth noting, there has been increased racial awakening among people of color. Various factors such as awareness raising, government support and constitutional provisions have favored the awakening of people, which has changed people’s attitude on racism. Another question that arises on this issue has to do with the value that a general racial, ethnic, and cultural identity can provide and do people of color stand to benefit from it.

Reflection Essay Assignment

Reflection Essay Assignment

Considering everything we have covered this semester, in this last essay write about your growth as a writer. Provide 2 typed pages of reflection on your own endeavors throughout this course. This assignment is open to your interpretation. As long as you provide an insightful and thoughtful reflection on your time in English 101, you should receive full credit. This assignment cannot be turned in late and is due on or before the last day of class.
Consider the following while writing:
What was the hardest assignment for you to write, personally, and why?
What do you think was the most rewarding skill or tool you have learned about writing this semester and why?
Which essay assignment was your favorite? Least favorite?
What would you like to have spent more time learning/reviewing?
What have you learned about yourself not only as a writer but in general?
Things to Do:
Take time to consider the points you want to include in this paper so that you showcase what you have learned and how your writing has improved. Make sure you center your essay around a central point, or thesis, that you place at the end of your introductory paragraph. Support your points. Don’t merely list information or impressions. Settle down and explain yourself and connect your thoughts as you move from one fully developed paragraph to the next.
Essay Guidelines:
All essays must be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, 12 point
This paper is to be a minimum of two pages.
You can select either APA or MLA formatting style when completing this essay assignment. Please refer to the Formatting Exercise in Unit One for how to set up your assignment in either style. Remember, with APA style, you must include a title page with your assignment. The title page will not count toward the two required pages of content that you are expected to submit for this essay assignment.
You are expected to use proper grammar and mechanics — refer to a grammar guide as needed.

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