Reliability and Validity in the field of psychology

Assignment 1: Reliability and Validity
Locate an established survey, which is commonly used in the field of psychology then provide the following information:
Title of Instrument
Include full title and name of developers.
Provide a full description of the instrument. This includes the intended use of the scale and the target population. Also include the number of
items within it and note if there are any subscales within the entire scale. Include any other relevant information, not including psychometric
properties. This should be about 1 page in length.
Psychometric Properties
Summarize two major types of Reliability. Specifically, define each term and discuss the application and relevance to the instrument, which you
have chosen (1 page in length).
Summarize two major types of Validity. Specifically, define each term and discuss the application and relevance to the instrument, which you
have chosen (1 page in length).

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