Research Question and Research Writing



Introduction to Topic & Thesis

a superbly written essay in which the author makes a clear, specific, and intelligent argument, supports the argument with exemplary evidence/quotes, and demonstrates mastery of the elements of writing a clear essay in which the author makes an interesting argument, supports that argument with relevant evidence/quotes, and demonstrates strength in the elements of writing a coherent essay in which the author makes a vague, obvious, or weak argument, supports that argument with mixed evidence/quotes, and demonstrates some control over the elements of writing an intermittently coherent essay in which the author makes an announcement) with poor evidence/quotes, and demonstrates little control over the elements of writing a largely incoherent essay in which the author makes an irrelevant (or no relevant/real) argument, offers few or no real ideas/evidence/quotes, and demonstrates incompetence with the elements of writing


perfect, with consistent and effective transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and/or ideas and excellent organization coherent, with smooth and obvious transitions between most sentences, paragraphs, and ideas and/or good organization uneven, with some abrupt or sketchy transitions between some sentences, paragraphs, and ideas and/or uneven organization weak, with few transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and/or ideas; trouble with paragraph divisions poor, with little continuity among sentences, paragraphs, and/or ideas; misunderstands paragraph divisions


& Analysis

thoroughly develops and convincingly supports arguments; logically compelling reasons are supported with evidence and relevant quotes develops and supports arguments with relevant evidence & supporting detail, but opportunities for more/better quotes are clear expands on main claim with details taken from the readings, but overlooks important evidence or details and generally needs more effective quotes claim needs more relevant or logically compelling detail; gets story details wrong; few quotes to sustain arguments claim not supported adequately with evidence; shows an overall misunderstanding of the text or of the assignment instructions; no quotes


Control of Language & Mechanics

effective and varied sentence structure with no sentence-level errors (fragments, run-ons, or comma splices); precise diction; mastery of spelling & punctuation effective sentence structure with rare sentence-level errors (fragments, run-ons, or comma splices); good diction; very few errors in spelling & punctuation some stylistic problems in sentences, or sentence- level errors (fragments, run-ons, or comma splices); minor errors in diction; minor errors in spelling & punctuation frequent stylistic problems in sentences, or some sentence-level errors (fragments, run-ons, or comma splices); major errors in diction; major errors in spelling & punctuation frequent stylistic problems in sentences, or frequent sentence-level errors (fragments, run-ons, or comma splices); major errors in diction, spelling or punctuation that impede comprehension


Citations & Research (where relevant)

chooses sources wisely & appropriately; seamlessly integrates sources/quotes/ paraphrases; follows MLA/APA conventions perfectly (quotation marks; in-text citations; Works Cited/Reference) chooses sources appropriately; integrates sources, quotes, and paraphrases into argument; follows MLA/APA conventions (quotation marks; in-text citations; Works Cited/References) awkwardly or inappropriately uses others’ ideas and materials to support its own claim; incomplete or inaccurate MLA/APA citations (quotation marks; in-text citations; Works Cited/References) poor connections between research and primary sources; difficulty integrating quotations & paraphrases into body paragraphs; little attempt at MLA/APA format (quotation marks; in-text citations; Works Cited/References) ignores scholarship; no quotes; no attempt at MLA/APA format (quotation marks; in-text citations; Works Cited/References)
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