Self-assessment and a personal learning plan

Self-assessment and a personal learning plan

Purpose: Since nurses are self-regulated professionals, self-assessment and creation of a Personal Learning Plan are actions required of ongoing professional practice throughout a nurse’s career. In the context of this course, these actions provide a learner and clinical instructor with an opportunity to reflect on each learner’s knowledge and competencies, identify areas where enhancement or improvement of competency is needed, and co-develop a meaningful plan that is tailored to each learner’s prior experience, strengths, areas for development and learning style. The Personal Learning Plan also forms a learning contract between the learner and instructor, with each member of this Learning Partnership making a commitment to work toward the stated objectives.

Evaluation Criteria: This activity is to be completed using the Formative Self-Assessment Tools (Appendix B, Parts 1 and 2), Personal Learning Plan (Appendix C, Part [i]) and PATCH assessment link provided above. (Part [ii] of Appendix C is a sample learning plan that may be helpful.)
Instructions: As illustrated in Figure 1 (below), there are several steps in developing and using a personal learning plan. The process starts at the top of the wheel with “Where am I now?” and goes clockwise until “Where next?”, then it starts again. The wheel depicts the life-long nature of learning and self-assessment. Each step is described on the following pages.

Step 1: Perform a Self-Assessment (“Where am I now?”):
• Use Part 1 of the Formative Self-Assessment Tools (Appendix B) to identify your learning needs by reflecting on your past experience and level of competency.
• Use Part 2 of the Formative Self-Assessment Tools (Appendix B) to summarize your personal and professional strengths; identify three areas you believe need development to enhance your practice; and identify your learning style.
• Submit Parts 1 and 2 of the Formative Self-Assessment Tools to your Clinical Portfolio.
• Also perform a self-assessment of your learning needs in relation to nursing informatics by completing a PATCH assessment (Pretest for Attitudes Toward Computers in Healthcare) as follows:
• Go to the Nursing Informatics Self-Assessment webpage at this url:
• Click on the link to the Online Version of the P.A.T.C.H. scale, register on the website (there is no cost for this), and complete the assessment.
• At the end of the assessment you will receive the option to review your answers and receive a certificate of completion. Click on the Certificate button, download and submit this certificate of completion to your Clinical Portfolio.
• NOTE: Information in these self-assessment tools will not be used to determine Pass (P) | Not Pass (NP) status in the course. In other words, there are no marks assigned for “not knowing” or not having had an experience.

Step 2: Develop a Personal Learning Plan:
• Use the Personal Learning Plan Template (Appendix C, Part i) to address the following questions:
– “Where do I want to go?” Identify three learning objectives after reflecting on your skills and knowledge, and the things you need to learn, and the areas on which you need to focus. The objectives you set should address what you want to achieve in the coming semester and be written using the SMART principle (see boxed text below).
– “How will I know when I get there?” Define your Criteria for Success by identifying what competencies you are now able to perform.
– “When can I get there?” Identify a “Target Date”.
– “How do I get there?” Identify the available learning resources and strategies that will assist you in achieving your objectives.
• Submit your Personal Learning Plan to your Clinical Portfolio.
• Conference with your instructor to review your Personal Learning Plan and revise as needed.

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