Should we revoke drivers licenses for students who drop out of school or earn low grades





Should we revoke driver’s licenses for students who drop out of school or earn low grades?

The country is currently facing a number of situations that determine the growth and sustainability of the economy. One of the issues that have played a significant role in influencing the rate of development is the increase in college dropouts. Education is essential for the success of any economy. The 2008 recession affected the dynamics of the job market due to the loss of a vast number of jobs. The living standards of the entire country dropped making families cut down on their annual expenses. These statistics alone display the economic situation Americans are experiencing to date. The cost of living continues to rise which in turn, places pressure on authorities to turn the situation around. One of the ways that this can happen is by encouraging more high school students to acquire a college education (Elliot, Andrew and Dweck, p. 251).

College is a significant aspect of any individual’s life. The college experience plays a vital role in teen’s ideologies, growth, confidence, maturity, friendships and most of all career choices. This is therefore an opportunity that all children should have the privilege of experiencing. Another essential issue regarding the outcome of college is the extra edge a student’s has over their peers when they enter the job market. Having a college degree is an ideal choice in that it displays responsibility, knowledge and drive when looking for employment. A college degree gives a student higher chances of getting a white collar job as opposed to a minimum wage job. This as a result exposes an individual to better living standards such as a better welfare, secure living conditions and a reliable healthcare plan.

A look at the results of a having a college education showcase the merits that come with the trade. This comes with a big sacrifies in terms of time, finance and hard work. Most high school graduates choose to take the shorter route by getting a job in an alternative place that does not require a college education. Some of them turn out to be considerably successful owing to their determination and street smart qualities. The majority however become part of the population who live on minimum wage and highly depend on the government for welfare.

The government intends to reduce these statistics by forcing high school students to take on a college education. This has proved to be unsuccessful in that students who remain in school end up with low grades. The low grades are not ideal for the student in that they risk failing their courses and not graduating with the rest of their classmates. One of the proposed solutions is revoking of drivers licenses from students who choose to forego college or earn low grades while in college (Newman and Newman, p. 314).

The driver’s license is an essential accomplishment in the life of a teenager. Students live for this time so that they can gain their first form of independence. Owning a license allows a teenager to take on more responsibilities that improve their status in their social circle. Having a license is thus vital for the reputation of any teenager. Taking away their license privileges takes all these opportunities away making them vulnerable to the loss of their freedom. As a student who places high emphasis on the vitality of a college degree, I am in support of this proposed law. The law proves to be controversial due to the challenges people face when attempting to get a college education. It also seeks to infringe on the rights and privileges of students in that it creates an imbalance that can be compared to segregation (Elliot, Andrew and Dweck, p. 231).

The reason that I am in support of the suggested law is that educating the society is one of the main solutions for eradicating the high rates of poverty, unemployment, insecurity and inequality that the country continues to face. When a child misbehaves, a parent is inclined to change their environment so as to change their reaction or approach to a certain situation. This as a result gives rise to a different consequence that should be positive to the life of the child in the end. A close look at the stated advantages of owning a drivers license displays the significance of the item to a teenager. Taking away the drivers license, through drastic will force a considerable number of students to work towards meeting these requirements so as to have access to this independence. This measure is thus the only form of action that can improve the way students perceive school and the advantages that they get. Despite my support of this notion, the government should take responsibility by financing a majority of the college expenses so as to cater for less fortunate families. This will take away the excuse of the lack of financial capabilities that parents present as a barrier to higher education (Newman and Newman, p.189).

In conclusion, it is difficult to imagine the infringement of the rights of an individual. This however applies in some special circumstances when the end result brings forth positive to the community as a whole. I am thus in support of the proposed law making me an advocate for the future success of the country.

Works cited

Elliot, Andrew J, and Carol S. Dweck. Handbook of Competence and Motivation. New York: Guilford Press, 2007. Print.

Newman, Barbara M, and Philip R. Newman. Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

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