Social policy brief and harm reduction

Social policy brief and harm reduction

A policy brief is a written document that states the problem, provides an
overview/background of the problem, describes the impact & implications associated
with the problem (information pertinent in understanding why it’s an issue, like current
law, absence of a policy, debate about the issue, data about the issue), and provides
recommendation of policy alternatives that may alleviate or eliminate the problem.
● Please include subheadings below (1, 2, 3, and 4)
(1) PROBLEM STATEMENT a statement of the issue/problem that includes an
understanding of who is affected, how big the problem is, what contributes to the
problem, and when and where the problem is most likely to occur
(2) ROOT CAUSES clearly identifies the root cause of the problem. Search
existing research or examination of the current body of research as literature
review (this kind of review may help you identify what is known about the policy
options as well as gaps in the current research); what contributed to the problem
(3) IMPLICATIONS are the effects associated with the problem for the population
impacted in the problem statement; when and where is the problem most likely to
(4) RECOMMENDED ACTION identifies and introduces three possible policy
options to alleviate or eliminate the problem
● You can also use images, graphs, tables, to further your position as well
as capture the intended audience attention.

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