The Social Work Experience

The Social Work Experience

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The Judicial System is the Last Resort

It is apparent that the judicial system is the “last resort” in services to children and their families. Commonly, the judicial system happens to be the last resort indicates that all other methods have failed or were not executed well (Suppes & Wells, 2017). The court is the last resort in a way that it represents the failure of other services. The court happens to be the last resort since children and families have their rights and the court advocates for those rights. Most of the social work undertaking is affected by the law and numerous social workers usually expect some involvement with the judicial system during the progression of their work. Numerous features of social work are impacted by the law, and social workers who deal directly with children and family issues interact with the court at some point. Social workers may go to court sessions to make sure social justice is granted to the affected children and families to make sure they have equal opportunities, especially those in need. Social workers who sometimes represent the children and families have to face judicial systems when working with welfare systems.

When a child has engaged in frequent and severe enough crime, he or she might be convicted by the court to what equals a jail for juveniles. A child may be held in the short term in a detention center pending a hearing for alleged wrongdoing. Those mature teenagers may be tried and sentenced as adults. This step is actually the last resort, and it typically signifies the failure of other services (Suppes & Wells, 2017). It is something that is probably to take place when a child required residential or other treatment initially in life but the necessities were not given because of monetary cost. Consideration to short-term economic issues devoid of deliberation of long-term costs, both financial and human, has been tragically trait of social planning in the United States.” The court is usually the last resort in a way that it functions as the final course of action used when all the others have failed.

Organizations of protective services programs are followed by new laws demanding particular categories of careers, such as social workers and doctors, to give a report on suspected child mistreatment to selected authorities, the necessity referred to as mandated reporting. This mandated reporting astonishingly, led to a great upsurge in reports of suspected child mistreatment and negligence (Suppes & Wells, 2017). Unluckily, however, a number of protecting services programs are completely not funded well and short-staffed, so workforces, in general, can deliver service only in circumstances of crisis proportions. In an attempt to enhance protective services, the Children’s Bureau gives a less number of competitive yearly grants to states. The notion that kids have rights is relatively new. The US, in November 1954, announced through the General Assembly’s Declaration of the Rights of the Child that kids all over the universe have particular rights. These rights turned out to be the global rule in 1990 as the Agreement on the Rights of the Child. The US signed the treaty in 1995, but, from 2015, it is the only state in the universe that has denied approve it. Signing an agreement signifies that a nation supports its ideologies, but ratification signifies the nation is officially bound by it (Suppes & Wells, 2017). Even though whichever social worker may be needed to offer courtroom witness, social workers in the criminal justice organization have numerous roles. A number of them work as investigators to get useful information concerning a certain case. A significant percentage of child and family services are provided by professional social workers. Services to families and children ought to be given in the least restrictive environment.


Suppes, M. A., & Wells, C. C. (2017). The social work experience: A case-based introduction to social work and social welfare. Pearson.

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