To Persuade the Audience to Support Country Acres in Brevard County FL





To Persuade the Audience to Support Country Acres in Brevard County FL


The mission and vision of Country Acres

Major donors

Need for educators and counselors

Donations in form of time

Spiritual growth

Children are the most important resources in our country giving us hope for the future. Most children wondering the streets have suffered because of the mistakes of the present generation. We need to take it upon ourselves to protect these children from the harsh experiences in life. County Acres is a non-profit organization that has taken on this responsibility helping children who have been abandoned, abused or neglected. They have done this for thirty five years without asking for anything in return. It is only fair for them and for the disadvantaged children if we could contribute in donating money and our time to enhance the running of this organization.

The organization is non-profit and their major donors are the Brevard County Board and the Department of Children. Country Acres highly relies on these organizations in the provision of funds which are not always available. It is also very expensive to run such an organization because children are rescued and brought here every other time. To fill the gap, the organization has received tremendous financial support from the church and other well wishers. Experienced professionals have been hired by the organization to help the children transition to respectable members of the society. Educators and counselors are indispensable, but if the organization will not provide the necessary funds for education and counseling, the children will continue to experience one problem after another. The members of staff have also come up with various projects that will help in enriching the lives of these children. Without the necessary funds for implementation, these projects will only be a dream.

I therefore, urge the local community to make donations to see to it that the organization runs efficiently and for a long time. Let us all come together to contribute to this worthy cause. The Country Acres have come so far and all they are asking form us is a little support for them to achieve their vision. All your contributions will be highly appreciated no matter the amount donated. If we do not come together to support these children, then they will feel neglected, just how they felt before they were brought to this institution. It would be unfortunate if we did not help a defenseless child realize their dream because we were too proud to give what we have.

I know most of you will claim that they can not afford to make donations and so they have no way of helping these children. All you have to do is dedicate some of your time to this organization. It is equally important as making donations. Most of the children in this organization are psychologically bruised due to the traumatic experience they went through before they were brought here. Spending time with other people and interacting in social events will make the children feel cared for and accepted by the society. This can be through sports and games and talent shows so as to bring out the talents of these children when they are still young.

A lot of help is required since the organization is understaffed. Most people working either part-time or full time are volunteers who are not easy to come by. I do not mean that you have to spend all your time in Country Acres taking care of these children. Dedicating only a few hours in week is more than the organization can ask for because we understand that you are all very busy people.

I would like to thank the church for the continuous support it has shown to this organization. The church has help mould the spiritual growth of these children. Most of them require care and counseling because the experiences they have been through are not those that one can easily forget. Let us all join the church and encourage them to keep supporting the organization. You are all welcome to the prayer and Bible study sessions held by the church. This way, we can all contribute to the children’s spiritual growth.

We all have to agree that Country Acres is a respectable organization that has taken a huge responsibility in taking care of these children. This is a venture that most of us would hesitate to take because it requires a lot of dedication. Starting such kind of an organization to fulfill a worthy cause relying on donors is not a walk in the park. Country Acres has already done most of the work and has done it for thirty five years without complaining. All they are asking from us is to lend them a hand so that they can continue to do what they do best. Let us all come together and support Country Acres support the children.

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