Together We Stand Letter Outline

Together We Stand Letter Outline


I live in a fresh suburban community, which mixes the amenities and benefits of a tight-knit minute community with benefits of residing near to the gigantic city. There is an emerging problem regarding where I live since the community has commenced developing far-reaching and similar illnesses, which cannot be explained genetically. Upon carrying out investigations regarding the cause of the illness, there is a discovery that a company surrounding the community has unsafe chemical disposal practices, which is probably the cause of the community’s illness problem (Associate Level Material).

The problem commenced, when several adults and children living in the meager community started developing far-reaching and similar illnesses. With this problem, it was apparent that something might have gone wrong with the community. This was definitely not a thing regarding the genetic composition, which clearly indicated that something was erroneous in the development planning and execution in the small community. This led to researching of the possible cause of the problem affecting the community since genetics was not a possible cause. The critical questions here were, if genetics was not the cause, then what else could have caused the problem in the community?; even if it was genetics, why is the problem occurring now and not earlier?; these two questions led to an investigation process in order to establish the cause of the illness.

During the researching process, the problem was clear that it was children and adults that were getting ill. This meant that no one was spared; neither the adults, nor the young ones. This affected the community financially with the fact that, there were difficult economic times. The illness required treatment in order to help the adults and children go back to their healthy state; however, this required fetching from the pockets. Therefore, the community became negatively affected financially leaving families in poverty. In order to carry out the investigation critically, an assumption that the company surrounding the community cares about residents had to be made. However, it came to the discovery that the company that had been deemed to care about the residents used unsafe chemical disposing techniques. Although there was this revelation, there was a fallacy that the company surrounding the community was following all the ethical standards in chemical disposal.

The government institution dealing with the environmental issues should intervene in order to ensure that the company follows safe practices of disposing chemicals, which are deemed to cause the illness plaguing the community. Also, the community should consider taking a legal action of suing the company in order to embrace safe chemical disposing techniques. The company needs to take corporate social responsibility of protecting the community from the effects of the chemicals, which it handles. Therefore, since the company is responsible for the problem affecting the community, it should pay for medical bills of all the adults and children affected by the chemicals and compensate those that had paid medical bills from their pockets (Visser & Institute for Corporate Culture Affairs, 2010). Then, the company should adhere to the ethical standards that guide about the safe manner of disposing chemicals. Safe chemical disposal measures will prevent the spreading of the illness (Visser & Institute for Corporate Culture Affairs, 2010)



Although investigations show that the unsafe chemical disposal of the company surrounding the community is most likely the cause of the problem in the community, the company needs to follow ethical principles and dispose the chemicals in the right manner. This will help in determining whether the unsafe disposal was the cause of the calamity.


Visser, W., & Institute for Corporate Culture Affairs. (2010). The A to Z of corporate social responsibility. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley.

Associate Level Material: Appendix C.

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