Transportation research records





Summary of Transportation Research Record

The trend taken by aviation travel in the long term echoes the growth experienced by growth domestic product (GDP). With growth in the United State’s population and economy coupled with globalization of its economy, it would not be surprising if air travel increases. However, many communities have been against airport expansion due to noise and traffic.

In Denver, Colorado, the opening of a new airport in 1995 marked the end of construction of key new airports. Since then, runways have been added in an effort to expand most key airports. These efforts have however been hampered by insufficient land for expansion as well as the communities’ opposition to the aircraft noise. This explains why the last decade has seen the addition of only 7 runways. Nevertheless, quite a number of secondary airports have experienced tremendous growth, becoming the desired airports for specific destinations. This does not undermine the fact that they have been experiencing delays and congestion, especially in peak periods due to lack of places for the planes to land.

The larger part of the funding for the airports in Denver, Colorado can be traced back to the federal government. However, decisions pertaining to the operation, building and expansion of the facilities are handled at local and state levels. It has been recognized that delays and congestion in airports can only be remedied by comprehensive remedies.

Describe the technical area of transportation covered by this article.

This article examines air travel since it is always a pointer as to the direction taken by Gross Domestic Product of a particular state. In essence, there are concerns about the delays and congestion in many airports resulting from lack of space for expansion. Communities neighboring the airports are also against the expansion due to traffic as well as noise from the planes. This problem however would not be solved by simplistic remedies but a combination of solutions geared addressing the financial, technical and even social aspect of the airports, more so in relation with the neighbors.


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