United States Codes

United States Codes

In the United States codes title 18 deals with criminal and penal code of the federal government of the United States. This deals with federal crimes as well as criminal procedures. On the other hand title 8 deals with the roles that aliens and nationality in the United States code. Both codes can be directly be linked to terrorism on title 18; the criminal acts can take the form of terrorism attacks while in title 8 the aliens can be involved in terrorism activities. Terrorism has been an issue of great concern in the United States and the world in general. The US government has the mandate to protect its citizens from terrorism attract and provide them with security. There are therefore measures that can be put in place so as to counter terrorism acts. The federal government can impose some sanctions that can be used as a means of countering terrorism acts. These sanctions can be directly on an individual or to specific countries that are linked to acts of terrorism. One sanction is the blocking of property and prohibition of transactions with any person who commits, or threatens to commit or is in support of terrorism. This is in particular in the form of financial sanctions for people especially aliens or foreigners who are in support or in association with foreign terrorists. Therefore this people will not get any form of finances that they can use for planning nay of their intended terrorism attacks (U.S department of the treasury, 2012)

There are various organizations which are in place to ensure that the United States border is secure. This include the Border Environment Cooperation Commission(BECC) whose in place to protect, preserve as well as enhance human health and the environment of the people in the US-Mexico border. This is accomplished by the organization through the strengthening and cooperation in togetherness with parties that are interested and at the same time support projects that can be sustained by means of transparent binational process that is in close coordination with North America Development Bank, the federal, the state and local agencies together with the civil society and private sector. This is an international organization created by United States government and Mexico to ensure that there is conservation, protection and enhancement of the environment in the border through the development and certification of the infrastructure that will put in place innovative sustainable and concepts that enhance public participation. Arizona-Mexico Commission is a non-profit organization that has the mission of improvement of the people’s well being and quality of life through the promotion of strong and cooperative relationship with United States and Mexico by advocating, trading, networking and information. With the well being of the people and their qualities of life improved then insecurity cases will be reduced since everyone will be satisfied and there will not be any need for criminal activities to improve one’s conditions of living. Borderland Management Task Force (BMTF) is an organization that facilitates a forum that is intergovernmental for a problem solving strategy that is cooperative on issues that people in the Arizona-Mexico border face. It mission is to primarily address border security, human safety and protection of the natural and cultural resources through sharing of resources, information, problem solving and training (U.S Department of the interior ,2013)

The way I perceived homeland security has changed greatly after this course I am now taking it seriously since I now fully understand the tasks that it covers. These include security efforts to ensure that the states are protected against terrorist activity. This includes efforts in prevention of attacks within the United States that will reduce the country from being vulnerable to terrorism. This as far as am concerned is a very important fact that is mandated to homeland security and that explains why I have come to the realization that is a very important factor. My understanding of border security was very vague but now I have come to understand it clearly and now know what it entails. From the course I have come to realize that border protection is very important for the well being of the citizens of a country. Therefore all measures should undertake to ensure that the borders of the country are fully protected so that the citizens can be safe. The most interesting part of this course is my understanding of homeland security and its importance to the United States.


U.S Department of the interior. (2013). Select Organizations Working in the United States – Mexico Border Region. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from http://www.cerc.usgs.gov/fcc/organizations.htm#_Toc176825349U.S department of the treasury. (2012) Counter Terrorism Sanctions. Retrieved February 20, 2013 from http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/terror.txt

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