10 Reflective Essay Writing

10 Reflective Essay Writing

First, imagine yourself being born into a family of a different position in the social stratification system. For instance, if you were born into the lower middle class, imagine you were born into a family that was very poor or very rich. Speculate about how your life might be different from what it is today? What would the imagined “you” have in common with the real “you”?
Second, how has your position in the social stratification system shaped your experience with COVID-19?
Third, take a closer look at Figure 9.3. See upload for 9.3 figure. Discuss your thoughts and ideas as a reflection of that information.
Be sure to address all of the above if you wish to receive points.

That is a minimum of 150 words with the word count included at the bottom of the response. Be sure to reply to the entire prompt, even if this requires more than 150 words.

Responses must be a minimum of 150 words and include the word count below your response. (Type your response in Microsoft Word so you can see the word count, include your word count below your response when you copy your response into the discussion.)

That properly cites sources (preferably using APA style) if you’re using anyone else’s words or ideas.


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