QSEN Competencies

QSEN Competencies

Nursing Competencies for High-Quality Care.

There are 6 areas of competency for quality care as defined by the QESN project. These are the 6 areas:

  1. Patient Centered Care- Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values and needs.
  2. Teamwork and Collaboration-Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.
  3. Evidence-based Practice- Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care.
  4. Quality Improvement- Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems.
  5. Safety- Minimize the risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.
  6. Informatics: Use of information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error and support decision-making.

The paper will address one area of QSEN (Anyone except Patient Centered Care). The student should draw on a clinical experience and relate it to the topic. The paper should be 4 pages in length. The paper should include the following:

  1. Introduction to the chosen topic: which competency are you focusing on?

Any topic is fine except Patient Centered Care.

Define the competency and give the citation for this definition.

  1. Patient-Centered Care
  2. Evidence-Based Practice
  3. Quality
  4. Safety
  5. Teamwork/Collaboration
  6. Informatics
    1. Description of clinical situation in which you participated

Something very basic from a medical surgical floor of a hospital, this floor also treats covid positive and covid recovered patients, could talk about anything simple like pain management, glucose control/monitoring, fall risk patients, watching the nurse give report to the doctor/collaboration, infection control with covid patients like handwashing, gowns, gloves, masks.

Give a full description of the patient and the situation you observed / participated in. This section should be factual, comprehensive and concise.                       20%

  1. Identification and analysis of QSEN Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes necessary to provide highest possible nursing care in this situation.

Choose from the knowledge, skills, and attitudes listed in QSEN document under the competency you are focusing on. In describing the care, the patient received, cite the QSEN Knowledge used and how you or the care team applied this knowledge; cite the QSEN Skill you or the care team used and how it was seen in caring for the patient; cite the QSEN Attitude and how it was applied. Do this a second time with another set of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes from the same competency as they apply to another aspect of the care given.                                                                                                     20%

  1. Evaluation of situation with examples from nursing literature. Choose a professional journal article relevant to your area of practice and apply the major theses of the article to the situation you described. Use it to back up your analysis done in #3.

Discuss influences that may act as barriers to full implementation of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes. Also identifies the strengths and gaps in institution. Also discusses how full implementation of KSA will improve patient care. Identify the gaps or strengths in this K.S.A. in your own practice.                                                                                             20%

  1. Implications for your future practice. Describe the relevance of the evaluation of this competency as it will affect the development of your nursing practice in the future. What are likely challenges or barriers to your implementing this competency and what actions will you need to take to overcome them?                                                                                                               20%
  2. Conclusion: Compose a brief paragraph reviewing the competency you wrote about and its relevance to the situation you described.
  3. APA reference list on separate page

Label each section of the paper using APA heading format. Please see the rubric for more details. Pay attention to how many points each category is worth and plan your paper accordingly! APA format will count as 5% of the paper’s grade; organization, 10%; and spelling and grammar, 5%.


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