ABS103 Working with Families and Teams

ABS103 Working with Families and Teams


Working with Families and Teams

Written Assignment # 2

Working with Non-ABA Professionals

Student Instructions

Submission Instructions To be submitted via Blackboard.
Value  out of 100 marks
Due Date Refer to Course Timeline


Learning Outcomes Covered in Assignment
•         Communicate limitations of their expertise, role, or responsibility to families and service providers and refer to supervisors as appropriate

•         Communicate effectively with clinical supervisors and service providers about the need for services for families of individuals with ASD



Objective of this Assignment:


To determine why professionals are appropriate for treatment teams given a scenario. Students are also required to provide a rationale for their decision.




•         Pick one of the scenarios below. Answer the following questions based on the scenario:

•         Which two non-ABA professionals would you bring onto the team for this client?

•         Provide a rationale for bringing each of the professionals above onto the team (i.e. what is the benefit of having this professional on the team? What would his/her role on the team be?). Be sure to relate this rationale to the specifics of the scenario.

•         Support your rationale with research. Find one research article for each professional that exemplifies the positive impact that this type of professional can have on individuals with ASD. Provide a brief summary of the method and findings of each article.

•         Identify at least two challenges that may arise as a result of having each professional on the team. Consider how their professional philosophies will interact with ABA, how their professional expectations may impede the team, their resources, etc. Be sure to provide examples that are specific to the scenario.

•         Identify at least two strategies that could be used to overcome these challenges. Be sure to provide examples that are specific to the scenario.

•         Responses should be written in paragraph form, using APA formatting.

Scenarios (pick one):

Scenario 1:


Jenny is a 3 and a half year-old girl who has recently begun engaging in self-injurious behaviours. Over the past three weeks, Jenny has begun to hit her head on the floor or other hard-surfaces around her. She has also begun to hit herself in the head using a closed fist. Her mother has contacted you, an ABA professional, to help figure out why Jenny is engaging in this behaviour. You plan to conduct a functional behavioural assessment.

Scenario 2:


You have just finished conducting a skill assessment for Marco, a 7 year-old boy with ASD. You used the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Revised (ABLLS-R) curriculum for this assessment. The results of the assessment indicate that the majority of Marco’s skill deficits were in the areas of writing, dressing, eating, grooming, gross motor skills and fine motor skills. For example, Marco knows how to orally spell his name and is able to recognize all of the letters in his name but has difficulty writing his naming using paper and pencil. Although he is very interested in playing ball with his peers, he has difficulty throwing, catching and bouncing the ball. You are now picking intervention goals and determining the best teaching procedures to use.





Please see the Rubric at the end of the document for Evaluation Criteria.



Submit your assignment in Word or PDF format on Blackboard.


Academic Integrity

As a scholar you are expected to exhibit academic integrity throughout this course.  Academic Integrity is demonstrated by your behaviour and the work you produce.  The work you produce must be your own and be free from plagiarized content – failure to do so could result in serious consequences.  Please refer to the academic integrity/honesty policy of your registering college for more information. To learn more about Academic Integrity and your responsibilities, including how to cite, please visit  HYPERLINK “https://tlp-lpa.ca/home/research”The Learning Portal – Research Hub.


Assignment Rubric


Criteria/Level Excellent Very good Good Novice Points
Rationale Appropriate rationale provided for each professional;


rationale includes accurate description of benefit of having professional on team, and what the professionals’ role will be on the team

Appropriate rationale provided for each professional;


rationale includes description of benefit of having professional on team, or what the professionals’ role will be on the team

Rationale not provided on inappropriate;


rationale does not include description of benefit of having professional on team, or what the professionals’ role will be on the team

No submission or little information provided /30
Summary Summary provided for each research article;


summary includes accurate description of research methods and findings;


research findings are relevant for the chosen scenario

Summary provided for each research article;


summary includes somewhat accurate description of research methods and findings

Summary not provided for each research article;


summary does not include accurate description of research methods and findings;


research findings are not relevant for the chosen scenario

No submission or little information provided /30
Identification of Professionals Identified two appropriate professionals
(.5 point per professional)
Identified one appropriate professional No professionals identified, or professionals identified are not appropriate No submission or little information provided /7
Research Articles Research article identified for EACH professional;


research articles are appropriate and relevant (exemplifies how this type of professional can positively support individuals with ASD)

Research article identified for EACH professional;


research articles are somewhat appropriate

Research articles not identified for EACH professional;


research articles are not appropriate

No submission or little information provided /7
Challenges 2 accurate challenges identified;


identified challenges are relevant to scenario

2 challenges identified 1 or fewer challenges identified;


challenges are not appropriate

No submission or little information provided /7
Strategies 2 accurate strategies identified;


identified strategies are relevant to scenario

2 strategies identified 1 or fewer strategies identified;


strategies are not appropriate

No submission or little information provided /7
Title page Title page is complete and follows proper APA formatting Title page is complete, evidence of misalignment Title page is missing or has missing elements No submission or little information provided /2
Font 12 pt. Times New Roman font is used throughout the entire document 12 pt. Times New Roman font is used throughout most of the document 12 pt. Times New Roman font is not used Does not meet expectations /2
Spacing Double-spacing is used throughout the entire document Double-spacing is used throughout most of the document Double-spacing is not used Does not meet expectations /2
Spelling and Grammar Free of grammar errors Evidence of grammar errors Grammar errors are evident Does not meet expectations /2
In-text citations In-text citations are present and complete for all references In-text citations are present for most references In-text citations are missing or incomplete Does not meet expectations /2
Reference section Reference section is present;


all references are included and complete.

Reference section is present;


most references are included. Evidence of missing elements.

Reference section is missing or has missing elements Does not meet expectations /2
        Total /100


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