APA MLA Essay Writing Exercise

APA MLA Essay Writing Exercise

WR115: Essay 3 (rough & final)

How is Essay 3 different from 1 and 2?

This essay is just like Essay 2 with the added requirement of using 2 secondary sources. You must quote from each source at least once. The quotes must demonstrate a clear impact on your thesis.


What exactly are you looking for when we quote?
I want to see the following demonstrated:

  • Proper MLA in-text citation like this: John Smith argues that, “……..” (par 5). Or just 5 if it’s a physical page.
  • Use of a brief and direct quote from a reliable, credible, and legitimate source
  • Use of a carefully selected quote with keywords and a clear point or thesis
  • Clear avoidance of plagiarism by using quotation marks and MLA in-text citation
  • Paraphrasing of the quote’s context from the original article
  • Proper introduction of the author and their credibility
  • And, most important, your writing and argument must show that it has been impacted by the quote


You are once again responsible for choosing a topic.  Because you are also expected to use secondary sources and quotes, you will want to select a topic that will invite commentary from other writers.


  • A thesis (underlined)
  • Evidence in support of the thesis
  • Analysis of evidence in support of the thesis
  • 2 direct quotes from 2 different secondary sources with proper MLA in-text citation
  • An MLA works cited page (does not count as a “page”)
  • A title
  • 4 FULL pages, double spaced, 12pt font, 1 inch margins, name/class in left hand corner
  • A revision memo explaining specifically what you have revised from the rough draft

Grade Rubric: 25pts

  • Does the writer offer a clear, specific, and arguable thesis with an active verb? 5pts
  • Is evidence analyzed in support of the thesis? 4pts
  • Are the paragraphs coherently organized and reflect the TEA approach? 4pts
  • Are 2 direct quotes employed that clearly impact the argument being made? 6pts
  • Are the quotes, in-text citations, and MLA works cited page properly formatted? 4pts
  • Did the writer complete a revision memo and complete all the basic requirements of Essay 3 (page length, MLA format, spell check, grammar, appropriate academic voice)? 2pts


*This assignment emphasizes all the Student Learning Outcomes with a specific focus on: Research and Documentation



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