Admission Essay

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Admission Essay

I always wanted to be a nurse since I was a kid. Throughout my childhood, I was always fascinated by how much respect nurses were given during my doctor appointments. Many factors influenced my decision to major in nursing, including the ability to care for others, the money and advantages afforded by the profession, as well as work security and flexibility. The capacity to care for someone other than myself is one of the key reasons I chose nursing as a career. Nurses typically have a compassionate heart that aids in the healing of any sickness, whether it is physical or emotional. Most people require TLC (tender loving care) since it nurtures the heart over time. Nurses also assist many patients in learning about many health subjects that may help them feel better. It also demonstrates that nurses are concerned about their patient’s well-being, as they would not spend the time to educate a patient on his or her ailment if they did not believe it would be beneficial. Another reason I’m considering majoring in nursing is the money and advantages it provides. Depending on the type of workplace in which they work, most nurses earn well.

I believe I have abilities and characteristics that will allow me to excel as a student and later as a practicing nurse. Nurses require professional skills, and education can meet these needs in a variety of settings. I have critical thinking skills, decision-making power, policymaking, performance monitoring, educator, leader, investigator, advocate, special knowledge of the policy and legislative process, service management skills, quality traits, honesty, credibility, ability to engage in public policy advocacy activity, health informatics skills, and active listening skills that can be influenced in public policy. I’m flexible, which is a quality that nurses should possess because they must think quickly and adjust to changing patient needs. This will assist me in achieving my objective since being able to adapt to different circumstances forces me to accept responsibility, deal with pressure, and make wise decisions, as the lives of others are in my hands. Nurses are also educators, which adds to their worth.

Planning, prevention, preparedness, and response can all help to meet global health requirements. Nurses’ involvement in care delivery, leadership, policymaking, and education can all help to enhance global health outcomes. They play a critical role in influencing population behavior and promoting health as global nurses. Adoption of technology ensures the safety and quality of care, as well as the provision of timely care. Nurse informatics’ unique expertise and abilities in the use of telecommunication equipment for data documents for vulnerable populations aid in meeting their diverse needs. The research design improves access to evidence-based care while also avoiding nurse shortages, minimizing medical errors, tracking people’s data, and increasing access to care. Nursing education is crucial for improving global health quality because it may help people in different parts of the world solve health challenges. Nurses’ diverse knowledge has an impact on people’s health outcomes and the quality of care provided to undereducated, vulnerable populations to prevent them from developing harmful habits. Nurses with an understanding of environmental aspects such as illness causation, transmission, symptoms, and prevention can assist in improving population awareness through educating for early disease prevention. It is extremely beneficial to community groups at all levels, from local to global.

Currently, there is a high demand for nurses all around the United States. There are also several opportunities in the sector, regardless of specialization, because all states have a nursing shortage. The choices are unlimited whether one chooses to reside in the north, south, or west. Some nurses have so much freedom that they choose their working hours and even days. Many nurses choose to specialize in specific areas of nursing. Hospitals, nursing homes, and doctor’s offices are just a few of the settings available in this sector. Nursing is more than simply a future career for me; it is a privilege that will allow me to share my compassion for people through the tasks that have been assigned to me. I know that by completing the degree, I will be challenged and influenced by top-notch educators who share many of my views and aspirations for others. As a future nurse, I’m looking for a program that will challenge me while also providing a broad education.

To summarize all I’ve said thus far, I believe I am the one individual who deserves the university admission grant. The main reason for this is my tremendous desire to put what I’m learning in school into practice in the lives of people all over the world. I have such goals in mind. Acceptance to university could help me achieve my goals and allow me to expand on the talents I already have. Furthermore, I believe that this is an area in which I must grow. I have a lot of familiar students, and hearing their experiences about university life and studies fascinates me every time.

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