Business Process and System BUS6057 BPS Assignment

Business Process and System BUS6057 BPS Assignment

BUS6057 Business Process and Systems
Assignment 2022
The customers’ beliefs and desires comprise the central core of our philosophy.
At Aeon, our eternal mission as a corporate group is to benefit our customers, and our operations are thus customer-focused to the highest degree.
Source: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
You may find the information for AEON (Hong Kong) online, in Keynotes in the Library, Company reports, cases online, and the financial press. The literature sources should be books, journals, refereed papers and appropriate online sources. You should find the sources of information that you will use to deliver the three assessment parts. Your submission should address the following THREE Parts:

Part 1 (Evaluate the existing business process)
When observing the operations performance objectives of AEON (Hong Kong), it can be argued that AEON (Hong Kong) is focused on satisfying its customers’ requirements and to deliver values to its customers they offer. In this part of assignment, you are specifically required to:
• Outline the essential components for ‘Effective Business Operations Management’ i.e. How AEON (Hong Kong) create value for their customer in HK.
• Apply soft systems methodology (SSM) to evaluate the issues AEON (Hong Kong) might face. Support your discussion with appropriate business operations/process models (e.g. operation strategy performance (priorities) model, the service gap analysis or/and Four V’s profile etc.).
1. You should start with what AEON (Hong Kong) are doing well compare to the sector (why customers shop at AEON (Hong Kong).
2. Research the problems they may face using the key concepts of Soft Systems Methodology (critical analysis of need/problem to be solved).
3. Support your discussions with appropriate business operations/process models.
• You should compare and contrast different models (benchmarking) used by the same sector in which AEON (Hong Kong) operates and recommend appropriate solutions to continue being competitive in the market, make easier for customers to select and buy their products (issues to consider delivery chain, customer value chain, cost implications, and sustainability etc.).
• You might also consider nowadays enterprises’ sustainable operations expected by consumers and other stakeholders in the HK society (the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) impacts).
4. Your academic enquiry should lead to synthesis of important issues around the problem and solution.
5. Critical analysis and evaluation of customer’s digital experience, how the new model will enhance the customer’s experience.
6. Innovative ways to serve their customers better.

7. Consider the services which are unique and benefits to AEON (Hong Kong).
8. Consider customer value for shopping online and in store (which market sector are they chasing by changing the business model).
9. Comparison of different solution with costing and choose solutions to take forward with reasoning.
10. Following models not to be included in here are Porter/SWOT you may use these for your own research.
11. Writing should be essay style (Synthesize), bullet points are NOT recommended.
12. Appendix not allowed except in special circumstances.
Part 2 (SSM presentation & redesign process to achieve benefits)
For the new system you should include Root Definition, CATWOE and produce a detailed “Rich Picture” (can be hand drawn only) to fully illustrate your answers. Your rich picture must indicate the problems as well as the solution. (Not included in the word count).
By means of a Business Process Plan (BPP) illustrate the changes including “AS IS” and “TO BE” diagrams. Brief explanations of both plans are required and support your discussions with relevant arguments. You must follow the Business Process Management (BPM) standards covered in the classes. Part THREE is the implementation of the new process (“TO BE”); failure not to include the BPP may result in marks not awarded for part three. (BPP not included in the word count).

Tips: Structure for part two:
13. Rich picture (fully illustrating part one).
14. Root Definition (based on your chosen solution).
15. Table for CATWOE (this is to test the Root Definition).
16. “AS IS” process plan (include brief summary of the process plan).
17. “TO BE” process plan (include summary to explain the process plan)
18. Include these in the body of the assignment (follow the assignment structure)
Part 3 (Plan for the implementation of new processes through performance objectives)
Discuss how the managers would turn performance objectives into operations priorities and the resources that would be necessary for effective implementation of the new processes
(~ 600 words).
19. This part should concentrate on the new solution discussed in part one and two.
20. Analyse the resources required for implementing the new process (the “TO BE” Business Process Plan.)
21. Support your discussions with Performance Model and management of change etc. if needed.
Using a Balanced Scorecard, discuss how the business performance can be measured post implementation (refer to the company annual reports and any other relevant data for improvement and target trends for AEON (Hong Kong) whenever necessary). (Balanced scorecard charts are not included in word count but discussion on each prospective is included, about one hundred words for each prospective).
(~ 400 words).

22. Balanced Scorecard is to measure the post implementation performance for the new process only.
23. Create Table for each prospective.
24. Under each table use the words to support your data, reference for the sources etc.
Your work should be referenced including in text referencing with appropriate literature and form a logical and concise discussion.

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