Business Psychology Essay Help

Business Psychology Essay Help

Assessment Task/guidance
Employees at ABC manufacturing company have recently raised concerns around three work-related stressors, the namely excessive workload that has negatively affected their work-life balance, exposure to unsafe working conditions, and poor remuneration. You have been consulted by the company as a business psychologist to help investigate these three work-related stressors and propose appropriate recommendations that would potentially inform improved practice. The company is worried that these stressors, if left unaddressed, might increase staff burnout, reduce employee motivation, and ultimately increase staff turnover ── the so called ‘great resignation’.
In your response to the company executives, you should:
• Explore current and emerging trends in the psychological literature in relation to the above work-related stressors, ensuring your responses are supported by empirical and statistical evidence where appropriate.
• Critically evaluate the potential impacts of these stressors on work performance and productivity.
• As part of potential long-term solution, examine what businesses could effectively learn from the COVID-19 pandemic in a bid to reshape the future of work.

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