Career Development Plan Part II— Development of a Training and Mentoring Program

Career Development Plan Part II— Development of a Training and Mentoring Program

HRM 531

University of Phoenix


      This report is design to develop training and mentoring program for InterClean after the recent merger with EnviroTech.   As we go through the transitional phase, management understands the impact all the changes will have on the new sales team and also the challenges the team will have faced. This report will also described the specific needs of the training and mentoring program which includes these specific areas; objectives, performance standards, delivery methods, content for training and mentoring, time-frame to incorporate and complete the training program, evaluation methods used in the training, feedback, and alternative avenues for further development of the sales team.

With the strong job analysis and structured workforce planning that I have already implemented, will helped us in identifying the skills, education, abilities and experience necessary to properly staff for the new venture.   This careful planning assisted in identifying training needs across the organization and laid the foundation for the training and mentoring plan that has been designed to equip InterClean Sale steam with the knowledge, skills

Training and mentoring need:

Research shows that the more time and money invested on an employee in the form of continuing education and skills development will make that employee a beneficial asset to the company. So for the sales team to be effective at InterClean, we have to implement a welled structured training and mentoring program that will give us that competitive edge over our competitors. Our new strategic approach requires the sales team to have vast knowledge about the products we deal with and also be able to adapt to the frequent and sporadic changes in the industry. The team should be able to read and interpret standards set by OSHA; they should also be educated in areas of sanitation, environmental regulations in cleaning, and cleaning systems. The training and mentoring must also prepare the team for direct involvement with facility managers, hospitals, health care professionals, and operational executives in the industry.


Upon completion of the training and mentoring programs the sales representatives should be able to demonstrate the ability to explain the environmental regulations affecting the cleaning and sanitation services, define the emerging issue in the industry, and list major safety concerns associated in the business. They must accurately disclose this information during the selling of personalized packages of cleaning and sanitation services to the customers. The sales Team should also be able teach and explain to customers and also new employees safety procedures when dealing with our products. In mentoring, we will assign a knowledgeable person to help new employees learn the ropes of the organization; this will help employees build a level of trust within the team. Retention levels will also increase, and integrate every member into the daily flow of the team goals.

Performance Standards

Performance standards should be derived from the job analysis information that I already created. Based on this information, the levels of performance deemed to be acceptable versus those that are unacceptable are developed. In a service provided industry management maintains certain expectations of performance throughout the department. Performance standards determine the expectations of behavior in the training environment collectively for each individual and as a team. These standards identify a baseline for measuring performance to a specific level of acceptance. The training will consist of the six selected employees and the training session dedicated to every aspects of the cleaning and sanitation industry that each sales personnel must pass with a minimal 77%. Any failures will constitute recycling and remedial training before advancing to another training session. This department will implement a metric measuring system to evaluate the performance levels on a weekly basis. Any deviation from acceptable standards from the sales team will ensure a corrective action plan implementation to right any substandard performance or performers. The setting of performance standards will assist management with maintaining present operations alignment with organizational goals of the company.

Delivery Methods

Our delivery methods are selected upon techniques, materials, and cost that would produce the greatest learning experiences in the shortest period possible. We are going to use the three most common types of training, the information presentation method, simulations, and on-the-job training. First the trainee will receive the required information in a formal education setting to establish a basic knowledge level needed for the new skill sets on-the-job. This method will encompass a detailed learning plan broken down into segments of the industry, trends, environmental issues, and OSHA standards. The students will receive the course material through lecturing, training manuals, and interactive media format. As mention before, this aspect of the classroom learning will require meeting a minimal 75% to progress onto the next skill set. The second method will move the students into a simulated sales-customer role playing situation that applies the information received in the classroom into the development of job related skills. The final delivery method will provide on-the-job training with a seasoned companion that will provide training experiences in the field to the specific elements required in the training plan. In signing-off the trainee’s training record signifies the mastery of the core competencies, which constitutes he or she is ready for the new job responsibilities.

Content for Training and Mentoring

InterClean approach to training is companywide and those that embrace the company’s vision will take full advantage of this opportunity laid before them. The representatives will learn different approaches and methods in dealing with emotionally charged customers. The exploring of different types of customer personalities will produce ways to maintain trust and retention. The dynamics of teaching and communicating effectively with the customer will enhance developing long-term business relationships, which also includes creative way to find new clientele. The sales team will learn different proven techniques to finalizing a sale with waffling customers. The management team will learn different management styles and appropriate ways to communicate with its employees in critical situations. The managers will also be taught the best motivation techniques available for improving their employees work productivity. The mentoring program is available to all employees and at all levels, especially with the first 180 days of this merger. Mentoring is a tool to develop employees, identify potential and nurture the employees to meet the organizational and individual goals within the culture of the company. The mentoring program will teach protecting the human resources investment and link it to performance-based competencies.

Time Frame

We are estimating that the training program will take up the first three months. The team will be divided into two groups, and will be conducted in four hour intervals because of the constraint it will have on conducting the day to day business. One training team will participate in the morning shift and the other in the afternoon to maintain continuity and consistency to the work environment. The whole intent of creating 15 training session and breaking those into four hour blocks prevents information overload on the trainees and allowing them to digest the bite size of information per session. In encouraging study groups all sales representatives will move through the program quickly without hinder the learning capability of each individual.

Evaluation Methods

In reality a training programs worth to a company rides on improvements to the skill level, knowledge, and performance during the training and the ability to transfer that into the workplace. Any evaluation is geared toward documenting the results of the training program on performance of the job and meeting the organizations goals. The supervisors major responsibilities in the evaluation process is first to pinpoint areas to evaluate to determine the value of the training. Any change in the skill set brought into the workplace that increases sales, develops customer relations, ability to decipher legal aspects of environmental issue or just explain industry knowledge would be a good indicator of a return on the company’s investment. The collection of data presents a clearer picture of the training effectiveness like surveys filled out on customer service provided and a rating system for sales produced as a direct result of training received. In addition the sales department may monitor the sales representative phone calls to ensure information is proper communicated.


The depth and scope of the sales departments training is determined through accurate feedback received through surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and job evaluations. To know the areas that needs fixing, improving, or removed from training program the system must rely heavily upon inputs from supervisors, trainees and others who are directly affected by the training. The most accurate means of training feedback is through a survey at the end of a training segment that is completed by a trainee. Feedback in this venue is tailored to identify components that increased job knowledge and correlated to the job while pointing out other areas with no relevance to the job and added no value to the training curriculum. The collection of this feedback, plus the analysis of the training outcome will be used to plan and make changes to the training programs. The bottom line in any company is that any training program is constantly changing and becoming refined to improve areas that lack adequate instruction in the training and mentoring program.

Alternate Avenues for Further Development

Unfortunately, some sales representatives will struggle academically with the material, concepts, or just remain overwhelmed with grasping the complexities of the industry. The major dilemma to consider is the cost of the training versus the return of that investment to the company. A manager must constantly weigh the worth of individual and the consequence of terminating individuals who demonstrates the inability to apply the principles from the training without some alternate means to develop them. Also understanding that everyone learns differently than the department should at least try other teaching techniques. In determining a person’s training weaknesses an aggressive remedial training plan is implemented along with teaming them up with a dedicated trainer/mentor/coach. In reviewing the material with them and putting these individual in a confidence building situations this should promote personal growth and help them succeed. Trainers need to focus on what they are doing right versus concentrating on what they are doing wrong. Throwing some people right in the fire sometimes makes them regress without allowing them time to observe and absorb the new parameters of their added responsibilities. The sales department will try an observation period and then a practical application in what they learned. These individuals must become proactive in using all the resources available in the workplace. The final consensus must determine at some point are they an asset or a long-term liability.


The goal of the training and mentoring program is to provide the sales team with the opportunity to achieve the goals set by the department and the company. This training and mentoring program will provide the awareness that will broaden our understanding of the cleaning and sanitation industry, plus enlighten everyone to the environmental laws and safety concerns affecting the company. The training program will be used to develop new skills and sustain existing skills for increasing productivity and generate revenue. In addition, the mentoring program will foster the human resources in providing them the opportunity to reach their full potential. I am positive that these programs will promote learning, researches and development for all sales representatives at InterClean.


Cascio, W. (2006). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. Retrieved from Cascio, W, HRM531 – Human Capital Management website.

University of Phoenix. (2010). InterClean, Inc. [Scenario]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, Simulation, and HRM531 – Human Capital Management website.Miller, M. (2006). Developing an Effective Mentoring Program. Management. Retrieved from

University of California. (n.d.). Performance Management. Retrieved from

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