Causes of Poverty in Developing World Today

Causes of Poverty in Developing World Today

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Causes of Poverty in Developing World TodayWhat are the devastating causes of poverty in the developing world today? It is an inquisitive question with a wide range of answers starting from corruption, illiteracy, political instability, limited social amenities, low technology level and rural-urban migration among many other social and economic factors. Poverty is a degrading issue in the third world countries that threaten the well-being of the civilians in these nations. With poverty the general economic level of the country low when it comes to the gross domestic income and per capita income. There are various strategies put in place to eradicate these poverty causing factors in different parts the world. Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and the Caribbean are put in consideration in the discussion regarding causes of poverty in the developing world today.

To start with Sub-Saharan Africa, Congo nation will be put in consideration in evaluating the various causes of poverty in the region. In Congo, corruption is the primary cause poverty that makes people face lots challenges in establishing the everyday life requirements. Despite the fact that the nation has vast of natural resources, Congo poverty has been the topic of the penetrating throughout the entire parts of the country. The mining industry has been one central sector in the country that has been entirely ruled by corruption (Gaynor, 2015). The local people own the land where these valuable minerals and industrial raw materials are mined, but all the benefits go to the few wealthy merchants in the Congo. The people in the lower class level are used as a source of labor to the mining industries where they are subjected low wages and unconducive working environment conditions. Apart from corruption, lack of investments, diseases, and other natural calamities also plays a significant role in causing poverty in Congo.

In the Caribbean, Haiti is one of the nations that significantly face poverty. In winning its independence, it significantly took a long time for Haiti to undergo the revolution process which effectively left the national power. Foreign ownership, inadequate food, and deforestation, as well as soil erosion, are among the depriving causes of poverty in the region. Foreign investors and other unfamiliar people have significantly taken a large sector of the country’s economy. For example through the land ownership and investing in other industrial areas, while the local people who face financial constraints act as a source of labor (Raybould, et al. 2017). Inadequate food to sustain the entire population in Haiti also serves a significant cause of poverty in Haiti. Without food, people are not productive when it comes to working as well as enhancing other economic developments. Soil erosion, as well as deforestation, on the other hand, cause soil erosion where the fertile soils are carried away leading low agricultural production in Haiti.

Today, Poverty exists in all the parts of the universe when it comes to the third world countries as well as in the modern world. China is an excellent example of such developed world where poverty is a major degrading factor. Among the significant causes of poverty in the China include rural-urban migration, education gap, and access to healthcare as well as the adopted agricultural lifestyle (Piachaud, 2017). The rural-urban migration significantly leads to poverty in China where a high number of people move to the cities where they are overcrowded leading to devastating living conditions. The poor people in the nation leads to largely depends on the agriculture. They do not have adequate income to carry out advanced agricultural production thus end having low products.

As discussed above, Congo, Haiti, and China are among the developing countries in the world that are faced with the high level of poverty. It harshens the people’s living condition in the affected nations. Poverty dramatically leads to economic instability as well as influencing the social way of living among the affected societies. The governments, as well as other international bodies, have to efficiently support the affected communities whether financially or in different practical ways that will enhance agricultural and industrial development.


Gaynor, N. (2015). Poverty amid plenty: structural violence and local governance in western Congo. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 33(3), 391-410.

Piachaud, D. (2017). Reflections on Inequality and Poverty in China. In Social Policy Reform in China (pp. 103-110). Routledge.

Raybould, S., Ward, T., Burnett, R., Manikam, L., Tibe, M., & Munslow, B. (2017). Problems of dual vulnerability in nutrition: A qualitative study of older persons caring for under 5‐year‐olds in post‐disaster Haiti. The International journal of health planning and management.

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