Climate Change Philosophy

Climate Change Philosophy

**Hi Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this assignment. instructions are below and I will
attach the reading.
Thanks, Sam**
Short Writing Assignment Details
Overview: This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice close and careful engagement and analysis
with a philosophical text. Choose a single reading as your focus, and then focus on a particular claim or
argument in this reading that you think is important or central to the piece.
Tasks: After choosing a claim or argument, your paper must accomplish three tasks. It may be helpful to
organize your paper in separate sections following these three tasks, or you may choose to mix them together.
(1) Explain in your own words a clear and accurate description of the claim showing an understanding of what
the author is saying, why they are saying it, how they support it and how it fits in the context of their piece

(2) Evaluate this claim using your own critical thinking. Is its logic sound? Why or why not? Has the author left
out relevant information or considerations? Do you find the argument convincing? Why or why not? Why is this
claim important or problematic?
(3) Reflect on the implications your evaluation. There are many different ways to reflect. You might consider
any of the following: What questions does it raise? How does it make you feel and why? What lesson might
you draw from your analysis?
Thesis: It is essential is that the paper has a thesis that ties all three tasks together. You can think of the thesis
as the main result or conclusion that you wish to emphasize regarding the results of your analysis. The thesis
will order your entire paper. You should understand how everything you say in the paper is in some way
necessary to support its thesis. If you have questions about this, you should watch the short video on Finding a
Thesis on OWL. You may also bring questions to me during this process.
Mechanics: Papers should be from 3-5 pages (roughly 1000 – 1300 words). They should be 12 pt. font and
double-spaced with standard one inch margins. For citation, include the author name and page number in
parentheses. Full bibliographical information following MLA style should be included in a Works Cited section
at the end. (For information about MLA style, see:
Title pages are not necessary. The assignment is not a research paper. No additional sources beyond the
assigned text are required. I don’t recommend using additional sources, but if you do, be sure to appropriately
cite them in the bibliography. Please be aware that copying material from an online source or article is
plagiarism. Plagiarism on an assignment will result in an automatic zero.
Assessment Rubric: Papers will receive a number grade based on the following rubric (20 points per category):
Thesis: Is there a clearly presented thesis that effectively organizes the argument of the paper?
Clarity and Writing Mechanics: Are sentences clear and grammatically correct? Is the paper well organized?
Do you build effective transitions between ideas in a way that develops a coherent over-all thesis? Does the
paper follow an appropriate and consistent citation style? Do you use citations in an effective way to support
your claims?
Accuracy: Have you adequately and accurately explained the text’s argument? Do you use citations in an
effective and accurate way to support your description?
Coherence: Does your argument make sense as a reasonable response to the topic in question? Does it follow
a logical form in providing support and evidence? Is the argument plausible?
Depth of reflection: Do you consider possible criticisms or counter-arguments? How well do you develop the
implications of the view you are responding to?

Additional Tips:
1. Be careful about being overly broad. Philosophical thought improves if we are able to be as precise and
specific as possible. For this reason, stay grounded in the text.
2. Budget your time. Do not wait to write your paper in one sitting at the last minute. Ideally, you should
complete a draft, spend some time away from it, and come back to re-read, revise, and polish.

3. Proofread! Excessive typographical, spelling, or grammatical errors will detract from your grade.
4. Put things in your own words. Do not use lengthy citations to present a complicated idea; rather, summarize
the idea in your own language and use brief citations as support and evidence.
5. Make sure that your paper has a thesis and do not be afraid to adjust or clarify this thesis in the course of
writing your paper.
6. Be self-critical. Consider what someone might say who does not agree with you. Try to anticipate objections
and include them in your paper, and then respond to them.

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