Diseases and Society

Diseases and Society

Explore the below infographic. Choose one of the historic pandemics that interests you (except for our modern Coronavirus, Spanish Flu of 1918-1919, and the Black Death 1347-1351). Please use Google and the CMSV Library website to research a little bit about your pandemic, and the historical context of the period it occurred in. Pay attention to the cultural or personal impact that the disease had on society. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/history-of-pandemics-deadliest/
• You must include a list of the sources/references you used to at the end of your work.
• You must include at least 1 scholarly source (book/journal article).
Option 1: Lost Letters/Diaries
• You will write 4 letters/diary entries (400-500 words each) from the point of view of your historical character.
Please make sure that your entries touch on the following topics. The order and way you approach or explain the material is entirely up to you.
• What pandemic is your person living through? Has this changed their everyday, normal life? How?
• What are the symptoms/medical effects associated with the disease?
• What regulations (if any) have been put in place to keep the population safe? Are they effective?
• How has society, in general, been affected?
• Remember to include historically accurate details (about both time period and pandemic) to help the reader better understand the experience of your character.
• Write clearly (colloquially is fine), strive for creativity, and pay attention to formatting/sourcing.

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