Educational Leadership Research informed ethical and legal training program

Educational Leadership Research informed ethical and legal training program

Research-informed Ethical and Legal Training Program (36 points): The purpose of this
the assignment is for you to develop and communicate a research-informed training
program on ethics and pertinent school laws to your staff (both certified and noncertified).
You may choose any presentation format to complete this assignment. For example, you
may complete this assignment by creating a narrated slide show, a video, a screencast, a podcast, etc. This training program must include an audio component – a narrative
document or simple slides will not suffice – but a video component is not required.
You may choose to complete this training program as one lengthy presentation, or you
may wish to create several, shorter presentations on individual topics.
This research-informed ethical and legal training program must address the educational
leadership skills related to each of the NELP standard components covered in this course
(see 12.B.1-10 in the syllabus above):
B. Educational Leadership Skills
1. Evaluate ethical dimensions of issues
2. Analyze decisions in terms of established ethical frameworks
3. Develop a communication plan to advocate for ethical decisions
4. Reflectively evaluate situations and policies with regard to legal, ethical, and
equity issues
5. Analyze how law and policy are applied consistently, fairly, equitably, and
ethically within a school
6. Communicate policies, laws, regulations, and procedures to the appropriate school
7. Monitor and ensure adherence to laws, rights, policies, and regulations
8. Evaluate school’s professional staff capacity needs
9. Evaluate applicant materials
10. Use research and data to plan and engage in candidate recruitment and selection that reflects the diversity of the student body

○ NELP Standard Component 2.2
■ Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to
evaluate, communicate about, and advocate for ethical and legal
○ NELP Standard Component 6.3
■ Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to
reflectively evaluate, communicate about, and implement laws, rights,
policies, and regulations to promote student and adult success and well-being.
○ NELP Standard Component 7.1
■ Program completers understand and have the capacity to collaboratively
develop the school’s professional capacity through engagement in
recruiting, selecting, and hiring staff.

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