Exploring Reliability and Validity Assignment

Exploring Reliability and Validity Assignment

Format of Benchmark Exploring Reliability and Validity Assignment: APA for font
(Times New Roman, 12 pt.), title page, margins, and section headings
Number of citations: 2+ (must include the VMQ technical manual)
Acceptable sources: scholarly articles/texts published within the last five years
1. Types of Reliability and Validity. (Use Level 1 headings)
Explain the types of reliability and validity used. The authors of the VMQ explain
general principles of norming, two types of reliability, and two types of validity on pages
14-15. But when they present the specific information about reliability in the first
paragraph on page 17, they specifically state that they are using one type of reliability and
where this data can be found. This is the reliability that you will describe. The same
applies to validity; find the specific information provided by the authors on the VMQ.
2. Reliability: Cronbach Alpha Coefficients.
Look at each of the constructs (scales) the test purports to measure and identify the
proper category of low, acceptable, and high ranges of the Chronbach’s alpha coefficients
for each scale. Use the chart provided in the “What Makes a Good Test” handout, which
explains how to read reliability and validity coefficients. Match them to what is in the
manual. Report the reliability category for all scales. Look at the number/percent of the
scales with problematic versus acceptable internal consistency alpha values.
3. Sample Size and Nature of the Population.
a. Validity: Look at the population used for the VMQ and the populations for the
tests used to evaluate the VMQ’s validity. Do you believe that the populations of
the other tests are comparable to the population used in the VMQ? Does this raise
an issue with the validity?
b. VMQ Norming Population: Is it representative of the population you want to
use it for? How about gender and cultural representation? Is there demographic
information and is it sufficient to draw conclusions? Do you believe that the
results of the group taking the VMQ are broad enough to generalize to other
populations? Did they sample enough people to believe that this sample captures
the traits of the population? The answers to these questions will help you to
evaluate potential issues with both validity and generalizability.
4. Your Opinion of the VMQ.
Summarize the psychometric properties you reported. Look at your evaluation of
reliability, validity, and population. Based on your findings, do you believe that the
VMQ’s authors sufficiently establish the reliability and validity of the VMQ? Note any
concerns. Be sure to view this in terms of the sample size and the makeup of the
populations used to norm the instruments. This adds important meaning to the reliability
and validity coefficients.
You can Google the VMQ Technical Manual,

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