Focused Clinical Activity Hospitalized Child Safety

Focused Clinical Activity Hospitalized Child Safety

In this clinical course, the student is required to choose 3 of the Focused Clinical Activities (FCAs) topics listed below and complete the Developmental Assessment as the 4th FCA. 1 of the Focused Clinical Activity topics chosen must come from the Pediatrics list and 2 of the Focused Clinical Activity topics chosen must come from the Obstetrics list. The completed Focused Clinical Activities are submitted to the clinical faculty through Turnitin in Canvas by the dates listed in the Level 3 calendar. The Focused Clinical Activities are completed individually and outside of the clinical experience.

To complete a Focused Clinical Activity, all parts of the topic chosen must be answered and submitted in a Microsoft Word document through Turnitin in Canvas. The document must be double-spaced and follow the current APA format guidelines. APA format also requires grammatical correctness, the absence of spelling errors, and explanations of abbreviations. The document should include both in-text citations and references. Substantive FCA submissions are thoughtful, logically organized, answer all aspects of the question, and are of at least 1 page with support from a minimum of two authoritative sources. One source must be from a current (published within the last 5 years) nursing journal article. The current nursing journal article must be the primary source for responding to the FCA prompt. The second required source may be another recent nursing journal article, a current textbook, or a historical resource used to support the primary source. The submission must not be more than 3 pages.
Hospitalized Child Safety – Consider that a 7-year-old pediatric patient, severely affected by autism spectrum disorder, has been admitted to the hospital with an infection. Utilizing current research and the DSM-V, identify and describe at least 15 possible behaviors, attributes, and developmental delays exhibited by the child. Based on this information, identify and describe at least 10 potential safety concerns for the hospitalized child with severe autism. For each of the identified safety concerns, create and describe at least 1 nursing intervention to reduce the risk of injury to the child. Compare and contrast the hospital safety concerns/interventions for a typically developing 7-year-old child with those of a child affected by severe autism. (Human Development, Safety)

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