Healthcare Industry—An Economic System

Healthcare Industry—An Economic System

The National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) estimates health care spending over time, including everything from health care goods and services to public health activities, government administration to health care investment. For this assignment, we will focus on health spending by major sources of funds. Please see below for a summary:

Download the National Health Expenditures [NHE] by type of service and source of funds, file. Summarize in a table the total NHE (in millions) for the following years: 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010. Present the data visually by creating a line graph or a bar diagram depicting changes in values.

Comment on the changes in the categories of expenditure sources, i.e., out-of-pocket, health insurance, third party payers, etc. with respect to both year-to-year changes and across the entire period.

Include specific interpretations of why such changes are apparent [social, political, economic, etc. factors] and what strategies may be necessary to curb healthcare expenditure in the coming years.;

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