Integrating Writing

Integrating Writing

Assessment Description

Various strategies can be used to engage students in the writing process, including questions to activate students’ prior knowledge and higher-order thinking. Engaging students in taking ownership of their writing requires a great deal of creativity to involve students in the writing process.

*Part 1: Writing Lesson Plan

Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template” and “Class Profile,” design a standard-based lesson plan, that includes a writing activity.

In preparing the lesson plan, including the following:

Questioning strategies that activate students prior knowledge and higher-order thinking in writing and engage them in the learning process
Strategies to creatively engage students with various forms of writing, the writing process, and to expand student’s communication

*Part 2: Reflection
In 250 words, rationalize your instructional choices specific to the activity and aligning strategies. Be sure to address how your completed lesson plan is appropriate to meet the diverse needs of the “Class Profile” students and clearly focuses on creativity and student engagement.

Support your reflection with at least 2 scholarly resources.

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