Leadership in classrooms essay

Leadership in classrooms essay

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  1. Subject knowledge and knowledge of teaching the subject – Coe et al. (2020).

Which elements are highlighted as particularly important in relation to the teaching content? What do these mean? Think about how it can be expressed more specifically and concretely in your teaching subject.

What ways are there within your topic to present important content? How do you know what a good model is?

What common misconceptions can there be within your subject and what can these misconceptions be due to? How can you as a teacher respond to and anticipate the misconceptions that exist?

  1. Supporting Classroom Climate – Coe et al. (2020)

Which elements are highlighted as particularly important in relation to a supportive classroom climate? What do these mean? Try to formulate how it can be expressed through teachers’ work.

Why is an authoritative leadership style preferable? What challenges do you see there may be in developing that type of leadership?

High and reasonable expectations, both implicit and explicit, lead to increased learning among students. What challenges do you see in this work with the students?

  1. Maximize the opportunity for learning – Coe et al. (2020)

Which elements are highlighted as particularly important to maximize the opportunity for learning? What do these mean? Try to formulate how they can be expressed in teachers’ work.

  1. Activating students’ thinking – Coe et al. (2020)

What six elements does Coe et al. as important for activating students’ thinking (activating hard thinking)? What do these mean? Try to formulate how it can be expressed more concretely.

In what ways does it suggest that teachers work on homework? How well do these recommendations agree with the content presented in Coe et al. dimension of activating students’ thinking?



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