Media and Gender-inequality





Media and Gender-inequality

The need for equality across people with different genders is a topic that continues to be discussed since its inadequacies are witnessed not only in the occupation sector but also in the political area. Unfortunately, one pervasive medium of information, the Television shows, and movies have only increased the issue farther. According to a study by Dr. Lauzen, after studying the characters both on-screen and behind the screens programs, only 5% of them had an equal number of female and male characters. Also, while it may seem that the female characters in the broadcasting network are increasing the data suggests otherwise since the number of the female between 2015-2016 was one percent less to that of 2006-2007. However, the underrepresented female characters are not the only depiction of gender inequality but also their characterizations in the shows and movies. Female characters are depicted as leaders in fewer instances than the male characters, and they are also shown in fewer cases as working and more than the male characters.

Additionally, they are referred by their marital status. In regards to women being employed to work on the positions, behind-the-scenes have stalled in the past decade with only a one percent increase being witnessed. With the reference that those who are on the behind-scenes affect those on the on-screen, it is evident that programs with at least one female creator, the female speaking characters were 45% and females accounted for 32% where all producers were male. Also, programs with at least one female executive producers had 40% female characters, the more the creators and producers, the same was with the female characters (Berger). Nowadays, most people spend a maximum of 10 hours daily, and the depiction of women in adverts and shows shapes the perception of women where it depicts that whatever the value they will always be judged by their looks. Moreover, it illustrates that the ideal woman is whiter, which affects the perception of black women. Lastly, the only positive thing that is happening on the shows and movies it the diversification of people across all races.

Works Cited

Berger, Laura. “New TV Research Reveals Gender Inequality On-Screen And Off”. Womenandhollywood.Com, 2016, Accessed 3 Apr 2020.

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