Monsters Under The Bed

Monsters Under The Bed



Many people would not expect that at my age, and as a parent, I would still believe in monsters residing under my bed. However, this is not the case since I still face the fears of having a monster living in the house. Growing up as a child, my mother never gave me a clear normal insight about monsters being in my bedroom. In fact, she encouraged me to believe that monsters under my bed are real and out to grab me by my leg. My mother never denied that there were monsters under my bed. In turn, this tuned my mind to believing that the monsters are real creatures. I lived through my childhood being meticulous every time I went to switch off the lights in my room. The light switch neared the door, and this made me walk across the room towards it. After flipping it, I would take three long strides, and I would dive on to the mattress back to bed. As long as I made it across my room without looking down, everything was in order.

I avoided looking down every time, a strategy that I made perfect use of to help me get past the monster’s long arms, which I speculated were out trying to grab my leg. In addition, as long as I was under my bedding, I found it safe through the night and the monster could not reach me. As I was growing up, I learnt that monsters did not exist under my bed; however, the situation was not getting any better. This is because I still believed in monsters being in my room and surprisingly could not offer solid evidence to my son about their inexistence.

Following my son’s maturity and questioning about monsters under his bed, I could not bring myself to look under his bed. This way, I would prove to him that the monsters do not exist. Instead, I would assure him that the monsters were not there once he asked about their presence under his bed. Nonetheless, at the back of my mind, I still had a strong belief that monsters under the bed still thrived. I find it hard to believe that monsters under the bed do not exist since they play a vital role in my life. This is caused by the fact that I identify similarities between real life situations and the monsters living under my bed; thus, it becomes utterly difficult getting over the belief that there are such monsters residing in my bedroom.

In my life, I always compare problems to these monsters that supposedly exist in my bedroom. Similar to these monsters, life’s troubles also tend to pull one down. For example, a debt will always seem to be a hurdle in my life and oppose me from making significant positive financial developments. On the other hand, the fear of monsters grabbing me by the ankle will always be there, and since my mother never told me about their inexistence, I will always see them as part of my life. Being true to my son is another discouraging factor that keeps my mind engaged in believing the existence of monsters under my bed. Since I cannot come to terms with the fact that monsters under the bed do not exist, I cannot convince my son of their inexistence. Instead, I plan on taming the monster or leaving my son to figure out means of coping with the monster under his bed. Since I never received any significant teachings concerning such monsters, I prefer leaving my son to take a similar path in his life.

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