Montezuma Castle

Montezuma Castle


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This paper is about Montezuma castle, a monument about five miles north of Verde valley, Arizona.It is located on the fertile lands of cereals and cash crops like beans, corns, squash and cotton. It was also a reliable source of water from the well. The well is made from a limestone made many years ago. The cliff also acted as protection and security from hostile strangers hence the building fit the location.

The monument looks like a castle but just an ancient home made from cliffs. Montezuma has now become a prehistoric site and a museum. The museum is a five storey building with forty five rooms built at the base of the cliff which looks like a historical apartment, is a source of information on the ancient people.

It was originally made by the early Sina qua farmers. The farmers due to drought, later on abandoned the site and settled elsewhere. Montezuma has now become a prehistoric site and a museum. The museum is a source of information on the ancient people.

The area is managed by the national park service. Anybody visiting the park pays some fee for the visit. The sin aquas were great architects since they were able to build these high cliffs out of limestone. Due to the presence of the limestone, they also mined salt from the site apart from farming.

Apart from farming, the sin aqua was also great artisans who made the artifacts they used to make needles, grinding stones to grind corn. The facility though a historic site has no camping requirements but has parks consisting of hotels in the nearby camps in the Arizona.

From the look of the environment, it shows that the early inhabitants were very inventive-the artifacts and the defense wall and adaptive to this environment.The area is composed of wells and a some species of animals. The well, an important part of the monument is very unique and sited about eleven miles from the Montezuma castle. It comprises of ditch which was built many hundreds of years ago, sinaguan cliff houses and pueblo ruins.

Summers in the valley is usually hot and dry with alittle bit cold nights which mainly occurs during the months of May to September. During winter seasons, the valley is sometimes covered with snow with lower temperatures (14-45 degrees).

Another important feature in the monument is the hummingbird which is one of the many species of birds in the Arizona, the nest measures as the size of a walnut.

The place, from the description, looks very attractive for leisure. The natural scenes of the well and the parks motivate one to visit the monument and again. The presence of the hummingbirds and their nests also motivates one to the nature.

The work of these ancient people how creative these people were. The enormous building also shows that these people were great architectures and artists. The beautiful scenery of the cave and its surroundings also tells people of the culture of the ancient inhabitants. It also shows .It therefore mean that architecture started from the ancient period and has spread up to the present years.

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