Movie Reaction Paper to include Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Plan
Movie Reaction Paper to include: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Plan
Select a movie from the below list and write a reaction and create a clinical assessment with diagnosis and treatment plan for the character with a substance use disorder.
The first page: Your impressions of the movie related to addictions, interventions, stigmas, and/or recovery.
The remaining pages: Have one of the movie characters be your client and demonstrate that you can screen for substance abuse, aggression, danger to self/others & co-occurring; identify the stage of dependence, change, and or recovery; determine an initial treatment plan, and identify the initial counseling strategies you will use. You will write this as you would in your case file to demonstrate you can apply current record-keeping standards when working with client with addiction and co-occurring challenges (or a family member affected).
Evaluation Criteria for this assignment includes demonstrating an ability and willingness to critically evaluate how the media presents addictions and how a media experience might influence theory, attitude and/or interventions in addictions in the general public.
This paper should include information regarding screening and assessment inventories,
-a bio-psycho-social assessment of the client, including spirituality and multicultural issues
-a complete mental status exam,
-a DSM diagnosis
-ASAM assessment criteria used to determine level of care (can be found online),
-and a treatment plan addressing co-occurring disorders, with attention to the role of spirituality, family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment and recovery process, including appropriate individual, group,
self-help, and family intervention strategies.
Movie Ideas
The Fighter
Leaving Las Vegas
When a Man Loves a Woman
Crazy Heart
Country Strong
Than Zero
28 Days
Requiem for a Dream
Walk the Line
Compile your reactions into a 4-6 page paper.
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