Mr. Boulal Fear of Pearl Business Today

Mr. Boulal Fear of Pearl Business Today



The dangers that Mr.Boulal is afraid of this days is the value that comes with the pearl business. The business is very risk this days since it come with various concerns not only to the environmental issues but also the scarcity of the pearls has resulted in less supply and higher demands of the products.

Based on the security concerns, it is worth to note that the Mr. boulal as well as those were in business previous know that due to the low supply of the pearls, it has increased in demand hence the value and the price of the same. Individual are killing each as a result of this hence why the diver fears the business today.

The other issue that the diver considers a great danger is environmental protection. The government through its agencies are protecting the pearl business to control exhaustion of the same. The penalty to such is high hence the cause of alarm and fear to the diver.

This can be consider that Mr. Boulal is one of the divers that not only value the pearl business even today, but he also value protection of the same.

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