Music of the Brain


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Music of the Brain

Music if food to the brain and therefore has more benefits to a person. The documentary ‘Music of the Brain’ tells of the role that music plays in the course of child development, becoming an adult until death. Music affects the development of a person’s brain from conception until death. A 7:50, the documentary discusses the role of music in the development of a child through the act of the mother singing. Right from conception, the sounds and vibrations make the infant identify themselves with a certain culture same to that of the mother as the brain develops articulating the sounds to a certain culture. The music, therefore, plays a vital role in ensuring the development of the mother-infant relationship. The role of music varies in the different stages of life such as during childhood, looking for the elderly as well as music therapy for the patients in the hospital.

The documentary at 11:22, the presenter argues that music activates the brain especially when the favorite music is put on activating the temporal lobe, the part of the brain that identifies music. The middle temporal gyrus as well is activated and involved in remembrance while the temporal lobes are activated for memory. The limbic system of the brain is involved in processing the emotional parts, and this keeps the whole brain active when listening to music. At 17:50, the presenter talks of the role of music in ensuring usage of both hemispheres of the brain. Normal speaking and use of language use the left hemisphere, and this leaves the right hemisphere unused. For the people who engage in music, the right hemisphere is used as well, and this makes a balance between the two parts of the brain. At 19:30, the speaker says that music acts as a therapy for the sick people and in the documentary, a patient with mumbled speech sings fluently and audibly and therefore music kind of rebuilds the speech.

Work Cited

Music of the Brain. Retrieved from:

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