Nursing Physical Assessment

Nursing Physical Assessment

Nursing Physical Assessment
Complete a comprehensive history, utilizing the form linked below, on either someone over the age of 65 or someone that you know has a lot of medical problems. Write the results in narrative format and include the family history as a genogram (see your text).
cite references.

Title of Assignment: Comprehensive Health History

Purpose of Assignment: The first part of a health assessment is the history. It is contains critical information about the client. It is important for the nurse to feel comfortable asking all types of questions and to be able to identify the pertinent information for that client. This assignment is a comprehensive health history which would normally be done for a new client to a practice or admission.

Course Competency(s): Identify the foundations of health assessment.

Instructions: Using the provided form to guide the interview, collect as much information as the client is willing to divulge. In a combination of bulleted and narrative formatting, document the information gathered. Try not to be too wordy but, at the same time, be comprehensive in your documentation.  Remember this is subjective information and should only be what the client tells you. Avoid making judgments until you determine what the strengths and weaknesses are. Submit this as a word document

Grading Rubric:

See history form.


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