Practice your Interview Skills

Practice your Interview Skills

Choose one of the following Interview Questions:

1. What are your top two strengths that you bring to this position?

2. What challenges do you anticipate in this position in the first 90 days and how might you approach overcoming those obstacles?

3. Do you have experience working on a project in a team or a group? If yes, provide us examples of how you approached working with others. If no, how would you approach working on a team?

4. Do you have customer service experience? If so, tell us a time when you had a dissatisfied customer and how did you handled the situation. If no, tell us how you would handle a customer complaint?

5. Can you share a time when you experienced conflict with a co-worker and what did you do? (If you do not have any prior work experience, then you can approach your response using an example of a conflict you experienced in another context such as in school or community project).

You can choose one and answer them like the interview answer.

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