Singapore Airlines Case Study

Singapore Airlines Case Study

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Learning outcomes and pass attainment level:
1. Analyse and classify an organisation’s current e-business strategy, identifying their
strengths and weaknesses relative to those of their direct competitors.
2. Choose effective e-business strategies for the delivery of products and services to
increase market share and sustainability.
3. Compile and elaborate understanding of concepts, theories, frameworks and
principles for e-commerce and e-business and their competent use.
Assignment Brief & Guide
Module: Level 6: E-Business
In addition, marks will be awarded for the overall presentation, argument and understanding,
use of sources and evidence, academic referencing and written communication (10%)
NOTE: The list below is just a guide.
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
 Purpose of the report
 Brief insight/overview of topic area
 Structure of report
1.1 Overview of the selected firm (very brief) – with respect to their online/offline activities
 What is the firm’s business model – you could consider the Business model canvas (see
week 2 Lecture notes)
 B2C; B2B; etc.?
 Generic Business Strategy (Porter’s) of your firm?
2.0 Element 1 (LO1 assessed) – an analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on the adoption
and utilisation of digital technologies, in the industry of your selected organisation.
Points to consider for this section:
 The focus here should be on the industry of your selected firm. Use relevant data,
trends, etc. to support the discussion here
Address the following issues in the context
of covid-19 and digital technology adoption
in the selected industry:
Examples of
frameworks you
can consider
 Demand for digital services from
 Understanding the barriers and enablers
to consumer adoption
 Impact of legal, privacy and ethical
constraints or opportunities on a
PESTL factors
should be reviewed
Competitors Porter’s 5 Forces or
Competitive threats
acting on a digital
business framework
3.0 Element 2 (LO2 & LO3 assessed) – an evaluation of how your selected
organisation has managed to cope, adapt or survive during the pandemic. What are
the implications for the organisation operating in this industry, for instance, on their
supply chain, eCRM, reintermediaion or disintermediation strategies, etc.? (30%)
Points to consider for this section:
Tip: From the marketing mix, Place – refers to disintermediation and reintermediation. In particular,
use of new intermediaries to promote and sell products.
Define key concepts – reintermediation and
 Has your company
utilised any of these?
Are existing players, in the industry, making use of the new
intermediaries to promote their services through advertising?
 Consider vertical
integration and/or
virtual integration
What is the consequence(s) of companies, particularly your
selected company, simultaneously following a
disintermediation and reintermediation strategy?
Were there any impact
 Porter’s Value Chain
(e-Value chain?)
 eCRM
 e-Supply Chain
 Is there a link between
the approaches they
have adopted and its
model? [Refer to 1.1]
 Ansoff’s matrix
4.0 Element 3 (LO1 assessed) – a discussion and recommendation(s) on how the use
of social media or social commerce can assist your chosen organisation in
addressing issues such as customer behaviour, post-covid-19. (30%)
 Review the scope of social media here – You can apply the Content Marketing Matrix
 Consider the Customer Life Cycle and RACE marketing value framework
Additional points:
– Ensure that you use relevant academic theories, frameworks and models to support
your discussion throughout the report.
– You may include appendices citing relevant data, images, samples, etc. provided you
refer to them directly in your report brief.
– The writing style is important. You must show a good research trail. Consult many
sources and give precise references.
5.0 Brief conclusion (very brief)
 Summarise the main points of your research. …
 Connect the significance or results of the main points.
Appendices (if applicable)

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