American BBQ

American BBQ

You have been hired as a business consultant for Frank’s All-American BarBeQue. Create a Paper or PowerPoint presentation with recommendations for Frank’s on how they can improve their business. You must include at least three (3) specific recommendations related to:

E-commerce, Digital Media, or Social Media.
Note: You may add other recommendations if you would like.

Your design should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to read, and not include too much text/data on the slides. Be sure to include additional information in the “Speaker’s Notes” section of the slides to support your recommendations and elaborate on your suggestions. Your “Speaker’s Notes” should support your recommendations with references and citations from your textbooks and a minimum of five other library-quality academic sources. You may find other sources in your Lessons.

Your final slides should be a Reference page with all sources listed in APA 7th format. All sources referenced in your “Speakers Notes” should include an in-text citation.

Develop a 500 word paper or power point (not including the Cover page and Reference page).
Your References page on the final slide needs to be in APA 7th format.
Utilize the “Speaker Notes” section to expand upon the bullet points in your slides OR record a video of your presentation and include the link with your submission.
An APA template is attached here. Support your paper with a minimum of three (3) credible academic references beyond the course materials. Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia, and similar general websites are not credible academic references.
Make sure you also study and review the iRubric so that you can make sure you achieve all the necessary elements of the assignment for maximizing points and grade score opportunities.

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