Personal Philosophy- Education and Technology

Personal Philosophy- Education and Technology

For this assignment, you will provide a summary of your personal philosophy regarding the incorporation of technology into education. Recall that ISTE Standard 1 for the educator dictates a responsibility to grow professionally. You have previously identified areas of potential personal growth you would like to pursue in this course; now, you will reflect on why this responsibility is important. The goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate an understanding of your biblical and professional obligation to prepare each of your students with the skill set they need to participate effectively in society.
In this assignment, you will write a brief 2 – 3 page personal philosophy specifically regarding technology in education. Your paper must include each of the following:
1. A summary of technology’s purpose in education. Why is technology a part of our education system? Do we have a professional obligation to include technology? How does it impact student learning? Include a minimum of two references to support your ideas. Citations should follow current APA formatting guidelines.
2. A biblical defense for your responsibility to include or not include technology in your curriculum. Provide various scriptures (a minimum of 3) with explanations to support your position
3. Once you have outlined your position on your professional and biblical responsibilities as a teacher regarding technology, briefly state how your position dictates how you teach your students or approach technology in your lessons.
If you have previously written a personal philosophy of education and would like to include some of that work in this paper, contact your instructor for permission to use portions of that paper before you submit your work.
A references page must be included. Your paper must follow current APA formatting guidelines throughout.
Submit this assignment both to your blog and Canvas.



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