Gantt Chart and Work Breakdown Structure


Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.

This assessment focuses on project monitoring and controlling as well as breaking the project work into manageable tasks, or deliverables. Read the Assessment 3 Context Download Assessment 3 Contextdocument for additional information.


The following resources are required to complete the assessment.

Microsoft Software

  1. Visit Capella’s Microsoft Azure for Education (Formerly Microsoft Imagine) page for instructions on obtaining free Microsoft software.
  2. Identify the version of Project that is compatible with your operating system. You may optionally download Visio for this assessment as well.
  3. Download and install.

Part A: Gantt Chart

A project management Gantt chart reports the tasks required to execute the project, including subtasks and their interrelationships.

Use Microsoft Project to complete a project management Gantt chart for the project you selected in Assessment 1. Below are some useful resources:

  • See Microsoft Tutorials for assistance using Microsoft Project.
  • See the Gantt Chart and Work Breakdown Structure media piece for this assessment for further information about Gantt charts.
  • Visit the Capella library to find two or more professional-quality resources to support your work.

Part B: Work Breakdown Structure

Create a Work Breakdown Structure. You can use the WBS Template [DOCX] Download WBS Template [DOCX]or another Word or Excel template of your choice. This assessment component must include:

  • Project scope statement.
  • WBS organizational chart.
  • Project deliverables, including the following:
    • Dependencies.
    • Estimate effort.
    • Skills.
  • WBS dictionary.
  • Scope baseline.
  • Updated scope management plan.
  • Requested changes.

Note: You may use Microsoft Visio to create the WBS.

Your Gantt chart and WBS will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Provide a Microsoft Project Gantt chart. Include sub-tasks as well as a note describing how you developed the chart.
  • Develop a detailed project initiation and planning schedule. Use features of Microsoft Project such as notes or formatting to clarify the activities.
  • Analyze the amount of time that will be required to complete the tasks identified in a high-level WBS, and schedule appropriately.
  • Identify labor and materials resources required for the project. Baseline the resources for the project.
  • Communicate effectively in a professional manner consistent with the standards and conventions of project management.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Make certain that your assessment is professionally written and free of grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Length: There are no page length requirements. Ensure the information required is included in the documents.
  • Software: Use Microsoft Project to create the Gantt chart.
  • References: Include a complete list of references, including books, websites, articles, and other resources.
  • APA format: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Visit Evidence and APA for more information.
  • Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.
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